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Optics & Photonics in Sweden 2023 (OPS-2023)

Tid: Ti 2023-10-17 kl 14.00 - To 2023-10-19 kl 18.00

Plats: Kistagången 16, Kista, Glasgatan and Sal A & Sal B, KTH-Electrum


Mattias Hammar
Mattias Hammar professor

Exportera till kalender

This year PhotonicSweden  will arrange OPS-2023 at KTH-Electrum in Kista, Stockholm at the Royal Institute of Technology with parallel academic- and industrial sessions along with an exhibition and poster sessions, and at the same time a job fair for Bachelor/Master/PhD students. The conference topics are: Photonics for Sustainability, Photonics for Security, and Photonics Applications. We will also arrange a half day Nordic Photonics Forum where we will present and discuss funding possibilities through EU-project PhotonHub Europe, and Smarter Electronics Systems.

More information and registration

Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2023-10-06