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'Streaming STREAMS', virtual event 5–7 August

STREAMS is an international conference for the Environmental Humanities (EH) that gathers researchers from a wide range of academic disciplines as well as artists, activists and practitioners.

Tid: On 2020-08-05 kl 12.30 - Fr 2020-08-07 kl 16.00

Plats: KTH Main Campus


Johan Gärdebo streamsconference@kth.se

Exportera till kalender

EH has grown considerably during the last decade and STREAMS seeks to offer a space in which this experimental and dynamic field can meet, discuss and set out future directions for thinking and acting amidst the ongoing ecological disaster.

The next upcoming event is Streaming STREAMS , 5–7 August 2020, where several presentations are streamed live.

For additional info and inquiries: streamsconference@kth.se

Marco Armiero, Sabine Höhler, Sverker Sörlin

STREAMS conveners

Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2020-07-06