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Technical support at events

KTH's procured supplier for technical support at events is Blackbox Videoproduktion AB. The contract period is from 2022-05-01 until 2024-04-30

The agreement includes technical support for physical meetings, digital meetings and hybrid meetings. The request is ordered by a designated customer via Wisum.

Examples of services covered by the agreement

  • Recording, streaming, sound and light technology

  • Subtitling and translation of recorded material

  • Digital platform
  • Provide on-site staff during implementation

  • Provide recording studio, stage, decor, furniture

How to make requests through Wisum

All services must be called via Wisum. In order for the quote to be as fair and detailed as possible, it is good if the client and Blackbox have a meeting regarding the request, as more information often appears than what was sent in via the call. After a review of the project, Blackbox sends a quote via email to the client.

(Wisum is only available in Swedish. The below step by step process will include the Swedish words as they are written on the screen with an english translation for your information).

To become an designated customer, the manager at your department may contact the department's purchasing manager with contact details for the person concerned.

  1. Log on to Wisum  (Swedish only)
  2. Choose Produkter och tjänster (Product and Services)
  3. Click on 02 KOM – Kommunikationstjänster (Com. - Communicationservices)
  4. Choose Omr 04 - Teknikstöd vid evenemang (Technical support at events )
  5. Download the "call-off-template", fill it in and attach it to the order.

  6. At the bottom of the screen, click to choose the product and add it to your basket.
  7. Click to view your basket and attach the call off order in Bilagor (Attachments)
  8. Click on Till kassan (checkout) to add your address details and complete the order.
  9. Once the order is completed it will be reviewed by the event group before being sent to the supplier. The event group may be in touch for questions and clarifications. 

  10. Blackbox will contact you directly with an offer.

  11. You (KTH) must approve the offer before the project starts.

  12.  Include the final documentation from the supplier as an attachment in Wisum.
    During the project, the call-off may be changed, some parts removed and others added.

Please contact the event team if you have any questions or need support with the process:

For more information and how to make a request, please see Framework agreement communication services , please fill in the word kommunikationstjänster (communication services) in the empty box.