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  • The next "Storträff" event will be held on the web

    The "Storträff" on May 12 will be a digital gathering.
    Published May 04, 2020

    The "Storträff" event scheduled for 12 May will take place over Zoom, and one of the themes is likely to be the adaptation of KTH’s education programmes in response to the pandemic. “This means that...

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  • Teachers would like a bigger say

    Published Apr 29, 2020

    Academic freedom, sustainable development and closer contacts with the world outside. These are some of the issues the teacher representatives on the new board at KTH want to work with in the coming y...

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  • Organising education online – despite everything

    Anna Burvall in the lecture hall in front of the blackboard.
    Burvall records her lectures that students can then watch via KTH Play.
    Published Apr 22, 2020

    How have teachers coped with the switch to distance education? “It is working remarkably well and is easier than I had imagined,” says Applied Physics Associate Professor Anna Burvall. Even so, she h...

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  • KTH could get one makerspace for all programmes

    At the KTH Flemingsberg Makerspace, electrodes are connected between the arm and a wooden prosthetic arm. When the bicep flexes, the prosthesis contracts. Photo: Kenneth Carlsson
    Published Apr 22, 2020

    An investment in a centralized makerspace for all KTH students is underway. The vision is to create a natural meeting place for developing engineering skills, realising ideas and dreams, and creating ...

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  • RAE extended by a year

    Published Apr 20, 2020

    The self-evaluation of KTH's research (RAE 2020) will be extended by one year. The decision is due to the development of the new coronavirus, which makes it difficult to complete the process as planne...

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  • People want to help in a crisis

    Car loaded with plastic cans and cardboard boxes.
    Tamara Church, a chemistry researcher at Stockholm University, and Stefan Sundström, a service janitor at the KTH School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, unload chemicals.
    Published Apr 07, 2020

    The coronavirus crisis is having a huge impact – and people are keen to help. The healthcare sector alarm about failings has persuaded employees at KTH to launch various initiatives. These initiatives...

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  • This is how I work out at home – my best tips

    Published Apr 01, 2020

    Surely you’re aware that as an employee at KTH, you have the right to spend one working hour per week on a health and wellness activity? What can you do during your wellness hour when you are working ...

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  • Teamwork the key to a successful transition

    Stefan Stenbom in KTH Library.
    Stefan Stenbom, a researcher in online learning, is coordinating work within e-learning. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Mar 30, 2020

    Courses at KTH are continuing, despite the coronavirus crisis. This has been due in no small part to the nimble-footed and determined team that has worked so hard to convert KTH to distance education.

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  • Greater digitisation support for teachers

    Published Mar 24, 2020

    As of week 12, all higher education teaching in Sweden will take place remotely in order to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. KTH is therefore extending its digitisation support and appointin...

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  • KTH quality assurance system approved

    Portrait images of Anders Forsgren and Sofia Ritzén.
    Anders Forsgren, Dean of Faculty and Sofia Ritzén, Vice Dean of Faculty. Photo: Susanne Kronholm
    Published Mar 19, 2020

    Approval with reservations. This was the UKÄ rating of KTH’s quality assurance system for its study programmes. “This is a good report and the inspection has been a good test of our system. We are de...

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  • Information for approvers (”sak-” and/or ”ekonomisk attestant”)

    Published Mar 18, 2020

    Information regarding eventual illness and other absence, for approvers (”sak-” and/or ”ekonomisk attestant”) in our system for electronic invoice handling, EFH!

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  • IT support gearing up for more distance learning at KTH

    Bogdan Andric in front of the support desk in KTH Entré.
    Bogdan Andric, Team Leader for the Central IT-support that is a part of the IT department at KTH.
    Published Mar 17, 2020

    Hello Bogdan Andric, Team Leader for Central IT support at KTH. What technical support is available to help people work remotely?

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  • Regarding the novel corona virus (covid-19)

    Published Mar 17, 2020

    KTH's information regarding the spread of covid-19

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  • Elections to the University Board, Election results

    Published Mar 17, 2020

    The election for the University Board is now completed. Of the persons entitled to vote, 34 per cent participated in the election.

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  • THE Summit postponed

    Published Mar 16, 2020

    KTH will not host the THE Innovation and Impact Summit as planned in April due to the new coronavirus. The summit, that is being organised in partnership with ranking institute Times Higher Education,...

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  • A work that makes KTH more modern

    Alice Marshall and Katrin Mörck are sitting in front of a laptop in the coffee room.
    Alice Marshall and Katrin Mörck. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published Mar 09, 2020

    Please forward. This sums up the way they think at the KTH Equality Office. By communicating commitment to and knowledge about equality issues on several levels, KTH aims to become more equal - on an...

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  • THE-summit at campus

    Published Mar 02, 2020

    Meet Stefan Östlund, Vice President for global relations, and organizer of the THE Innovation and Impact Summit Conference that is being held at KTH from 22-24 April. Why is KTH hosting this initiati...

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  • “An opportunity to greater and broader collegial engagement”

    Published Feb 20, 2020

    An independent school collegium at each school, supplemented with a collegial forum in which the entire staff of KTH will be gathered. The purpose of this new organization that replaces the Faculty Co...

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  • EU Charter and Code

    Published Feb 17, 2020

    Since June 2019, KTH is preparing the process of adopting the principles of EU Charter & Code for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The preparations are lead ...

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  • Debate article: The KTH carbon footprint – how serious are we, really?

    Published Feb 11, 2020

    Recently, I was invited to be part of a delegation to the US. A dozen or so KTH representatives - along with about as many partners from private and public spheres - were to join a 1 day event on the ...

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