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Environmental courses and study programmes for employees

KTH’s employees, and people who work on assignment for KTH, must have adequate knowledge to perform their work duties in a manner consistent with KTH’s work with environment and sustainable development.

All employees must have basic knowledge and understanding of KTH’s environmental work and significant effects on the environment, as well as specific competency when required. Here you will find environment-related courses and study programmes for employees.

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Digital course about KTH's sustainability work

All employees at KTH can contribute to sustainable development. This digital education is about KTH's sustainability goals and the work that is being done, and must be done, to reach them. As an employee, you must know the sustainability goals and know how, based on your role, you can contribute to them.

Estimated time required: approximately 40 min
Language: Swedish and English.

Learn more about sustainable development at KTH

Here is a presentation that you as a manager can use as support when creating dialogue about our work with sustainable development! The presentation explains the aim, purpose and background and is in both Swedish and English.
Presentation material internal training sustainable development at KTH (pdf 967 kB)


For more information or inquiries regarding the content of the training, contact
For technical support, contact

Environmental work at KTH and ISO 14001

Introduction to environmental management system, ISO14001 and KTH’s environmental work, 1 hour in Swedish or English. To book a date, contact

Inventory takers in KLARA

The inventory tool in KLARA, course session for all inventory takers, both new and experienced. The course addresses, for example: how to reduce the risk of errors, how to create lists of chemicals, searching for chemicals that require authorisation, legislation and documentation of chemicals.

For current training courses see: KLARA-kemikaliehantering

KLARA risk assessment

To teach how to perform risk assessments in order to enhance chemical safety in laboratory work. What risks might you be exposed to in your work with chemicals? Why should you perform risk assessments? How is a risk assessment performed in KLARA? These and other important questions will be answered by this course.


LH215V - Learning for sustainable development

The overall purpose of the course is that, based on their own course subject, teachers should be able to integrate issues on sustainable development into the education so that the students complete the education with integrated knowledge and reflections within the subject of sustainable development. Entry requirements: LH201V Learning and Teaching, or equivalent. The course is free of charge to KTH employees.

Read more on the course web for Learning for sustainable development

Systematic fire protection work

Course in fire prevention - Swedish
The basic fire protection course for all employees at KTH, with information on how fires break out and what you can do to prevent them. You can also practice how to extinguish a minor fire using a fire extinguisher.

For more information on the course in systematic fire protection work, contact

What does ISO14001 say?

Competence, education and awareness

All employees, as well as individuals working on assignment for KTH, must be made aware of KTH’s environmental policy and environmental management system and the environmental aspects that relate to our activities. Individuals whose work could impact on the significant environmental aspects must have sufficient competence to perform their tasks. The need for education must also be identified and catered for in the programme syllabus according to procedure.

Training in the Administrative Procedure Act
Training in Public Access & Secrecy
Environmental courses and study programmes for employees
Sustainable work methods
Our govermental mission
University introduction
Career inventory
Life and Career Planning
Ladok at KTH
Course in Polopoly
Project management - Managing
Practical project management - Planning
Project management - Research project management, RPM
Swedish for employees
Swedish for beginners A1
Swedish for advanced beginners A2
Swedish lower intermediate B1
Swedish higher intermediate B2
Swedish advanced B2/C1
Swedish higher advanced level C1
Private lessons in Swedish
Introduction to Protective Security course
Preventive security training