Research communication support
The intranet contains guides and information for communication. Do you need support beyond that? Contact routes at local and central level are listed below.
Contact a research communications officer
If you need strategic or operative communication support, start by contacting the communication unit at your school:

There are four members of staff at the Communications Department (COM) working with communication in the fields of research and co-operation, focusing on organisation-wide efforts and initiatives. They are part of the Group of Communications Support, which also holds support for web, student recruitment, and internal communications.
Contact a centre communications officer
For operative and strategic communication support, contact the communication unit at your school. If you have a question regarding the content under the external research information ( or internal researchers information (, please contact the COM.
Contacts for centre communication
Contact the content and press team
KTH's press and content work is carried out all-over the organisations.
Turn to your school level communication support for content in newsletter, news publised on the school webpage or Researchers' noticeboard, visiablity on LinkedIn, or other editorial content and advise.
Contacts for content on school level
Contacts to KTH's LinkedIn pages
The group for Content and press at COM assist in matters related to social media, meeting press and writing articles for KTH's external and internal webpages.
Contacts for content and press at the COM
Related support functions
Event support

All of KTH's schools have dedicated support for coordinating and executing events. Contact them to start planning your event:
The event staff at COM supports KTH general events, for example, conferences and academic ceremonies.
Web support
Are you looking for support connected to KTH's external website ( or Intranet ( The contact entry depends on which part of the website your questions apply. If it is connected to a school, department, or division webpage, contact the web coordinator at your school. Contact the nearest coordinator of common sections if it is connected to the overall external webpage ( or the Intranet (
Brand support and ordering communication services
KTH's brand support focus is primarily on initiating and managing brand strengthening projects and activities, such as developing various types of promotional material and managing the overall brand of KTH. They also assist in ordering communication services, both strategic and conceptual, as well as content production.