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New energy and processes in place

The ITM Faculty Board meets once a month for meetings and discussions. The board includes the Head of School, teacher representatives, external members, student representatives and representatives of employees' organisations. Photo: Ulrika Georgsson
Published Sep 03, 2024

Mattias Wiggberg reflects on the latest meeting with the Faculty Board at ITM.

Portrait Mattias
Mattias Wiggberg, Researcher at INDEK and member of the ITM Faculty Board.

Mattias, how was the last meeting and what was it about?

“It was interesting and good in several ways. Now, after the summer, the group has new energy and there are a few things to note. One is the work processes regarding syllabuses approval. We have received really good documentation and have established an efficient process with the School's Office for Student Affairs. They provide the education committees* with documentation in advance, so that decisions can be made quickly at the meetings. All credit to the involved!”

“We also saw the impressive admissions figures. We are increasing the number of students in our programmes and still maintaining good credit increment among the admitted. My hope is that we can increase the number of students further as AB Sweden needs engineers and ITM needs revenue."

“We also discussed the President’s policy decision* to decentralise recruitment and promotion matters to the schools. I think this is a positive change, partly because we are in charge of recruitment needs and partly because we can more accurately develop subject areas in the right direction and see the links between them. At the same time, we need to speed up the processes and simplify them. One disadvantage is that each school will need to build up the administration for this, which consumes resources, requires specialist expertise and risks KTH developing different standards and practices. It would be unfortunate if this were to happen, as the intention of a local staff supply is good.”

Are you passionate about anything in particular in the board?

“Shortening recruitment lead times is an issue I am passionate about. We are losing a lot of time and business because the processes take too long. In addition, we are not getting staff in time for externally funded projects with short project timelines.”

“It must also be easier to be an academic at KTH. Increased internal regulation, slow processes and high indirect costs, OH in everyday language, paid by all courses and projects are also a threat to quality and innovation. I am trying my best to contribute to reduce these problems, although much is beyond the Faculty Board's power.”

“We have fantastic minds among our staff and students, and my view is that the Board should do everything we can to ensure that they have the best conditions to think and work freely at ITM and KTH. “

What is the Faculty Board’s status right now?

‘The first half of the year was very much about shaping the board, agreeing on the mission, and finding cooperation forms with the school management and school’s office. Now we have the committees in place, a lot of processes are there and we are starting to get more time at the meetings to discuss development issues.” 

“Among other things, we want to establish strategic processes to discuss future education. Here we are talking about strategies for 5-10 years. To get as many perspectives and as much knowledge as possible, we will work with different themes at each meeting to discuss the future education at ITM. At the next meeting, we will get a briefing of the industry's perspective through Scania, for example.”

“In the autumn, the first collegial School Meeting will also take place, when everyone at the school can discuss both the new appointments procedure and the new processes for recruitment, among other things. I am looking forward to it!

More about the Faculty Board and its matters

*The Faculty Board of the ITM School has created a number of committees to work on specific issues between meetings. There are committees for Undergraduate Education, Doctoral Education and Collegial Anchoring.

**The KTH President has made a policy decision to decentralise employment and promotion of teachers, affiliations and the admission of docents to the schools from 1 January 2025. Read more: 

Faculty boards take over recruitment matters

Faculty Board ITM: minutes, members and meetings

Reported to: Ulrika Georgsson

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: Sep 03, 2024