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If I had the money ...

Visual interpretation: Clouds at sunset
Published Apr 11, 2019

… what would you and your research group do then? The man who is asking is Philip von Segebaden, responsible for what is called Case for support. He is looking for ideas - big or small - that might catch the interest of private financiers.

Visual interpretation: Portrait of Philip von Segebaden.
Philip von Segebaden, responsible for Case for support

– This is about individual projects with the potential to have great societal impact, and thus become attractive to support for external financiers. After all, research is all about improvement and to solve the societal challenges. KTH is dependent on collaboration, Philip points out.

He urges all those who have an idea that one would like to realize to contact their school's impact managers who currently gather the ideas within the organization.

– This summer, we will boil down the best proposals to a portfolio of new "cases for support", that is, well-prepared initiatives that we, together with KTH's researchers, will seek funding for.

Here Philip lists some previous examples of KTH projects that have found private funders:

  • Jonasson's center for medical imaging. The unknown alumni Rune Jonasson donated SEK 70 million to KTH so that a center for medical imaging could be established in Flemmingsberg.
  • Professorship in urban structures. Property developer Per Arwidsson wanted the planning of new urban areas to be more cohesive and decides to finance a professorship where Ann Legeby now is working together with city planners – so that new urban areas are wisely designed from the start. Academy and society in close cooperation.
  • MOOC premiere. KTH's first MOOC (about space travel) was privately funded.
  • Help for startups at KTH Innovation. Elite hotels founder Bicky Chakraborty is looking for "next Spotify" by supporting Swedish startups via KTH Innovation.

Contact impact communicator  before May 10 if you have an idea that you would like to realise. 

Text: Anna Gullers

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: Apr 11, 2019