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COMPETITION: How to reduce greenhouse gas emissions AND minimize the risk for spreading infection?

Published Mar 19, 2020

The department that is best at digital meetings during the next month will win a video conferencing equipment. You as an employee is the key to the win, take a screenshot / photo of your next digital meeting and register it here!

So the competition is about registering as many digital meetings as possible for your department before April 8th! Each digital meeting gives points, meetings that replace travel give additional points. The score will be weighted against the size of each department.

If you are new to digital meetings then it is time to test and bring home points for your institution! If you need help getting started, there are good guides here . Calling a zoom meeting is extremely easy, if you want to test invite me, Charlotte, then just email  / call . If you want to test something more advanced and need help, you email  or call IT on +46 8 790 6600.  

The competition starts March 12, and closes April 8. The winning department will be published after the end of the competition.

The competition is on hold at the moment.

Good luck!


In addition to the number of digital meetings, the nature of the meeting and the size of the department will also affect the result. Here's how the score will be calculated:

  • Did you have a digital meeting? 1 point!
  • If your digital meeting also replaced a national trip, you will bring home another 1 point to your deparment.
  • If your digital meeting also replaced a trip within Europe, you will bring home another 3 points to your department.
  • If your digital meeting also replaced an international trip outside Europe, you will bring home another 17 points to your department.
  • The score will be weighted against the size of the departments, ie the number of employees / department.
Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: Mar 19, 2020