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Frequently asked questions and answers for Learning Experience Questionnaire, LEQ.

New system for course evaluation and analysis as of P3 VT25

KTH is introducing a new system for course evaluation and analysis that is integrated into Canvas. LEQ is being phased out with the launch of the new system.

Course evaluation and development

Can I add extra questions to the questionnaire?

Yes, you can add 10 extra free-text questions but only with free text-replay. Remember to add the questions in both the Swedish and English language as the students can choose to take the questionnaire in either Swedish or English.

When can I use the Learning Experience Questionnaire, LEQ?

You can use the LEQ at all courses at KTH where the students are registered in LADOK. For those courses that students are not registered in LADOK, there is a more simple version to be used in Canvas/Commons. Re-registered students will not receive the questionnaire. 

When should I release the Learning Experience Questionnaire?

The questionnaire is best released directly after the examination and left open for 2-3 weeks. If you publish the questionnaire before the exam there is a risk that students believe that their answers to the questionnaire can affect their grade. To avoid that risk entirely, do not close the questionnaire until the final grades are reported.

Can the response time be extended when the LEQ has been started?

No, that is not possible to do.

Can I open the questionnaire again when it is closed?

When the survey has been closed, it is not possible to open it again to retrieve more answers.

Will there be any automatic reminder?

Yes, there will an automatic reminder sent every fourth day until you close the questionnaire.

How do I know how many students have answered the survey?

While the survey is open, you can follow how many people have responded. As soon as at least three students have submitted the survey, you can see their answers.

Could the questionnaire end up as spam in the students inbox?

It i possible if the student forward his/hers kth-email to a private inbox. Please advice students not to forward their kth-mail.

How do I activate a course questionnaire using LEQ?

Find the course in the personal menu (the grey bar at the top), click on "Courses" and find your course. Click on "Administration" and then choose the alternative "Course evaluation". After that you follow the instruction on how to create a course evaluation with LEQ

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Apr 24, 2024