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We welcome Roger Berg, Adjunct professor to SCI

Roger Berg
Roger Berg
Publicerad 2020-09-29

First of July this year Roger Berg joined the faculty as adjunct professor in marine systems. Roger’s ordinary work is at Saab Kockums in Malmö, which is a business unit within the Saab Group. Kockums develops, designs, constructs and maintain naval ships, submarines and related products, including autonomous systems.

- At Kockums my title is Director of Technology Management which means I am responsible for our research, technologies and collaboration with universities and other external partners related to research, says Roger.

He has been working at Kockums for 25 years and started in the area of underwater acoustics, sonar systems and acoustic scattering. Later he became responsible for the signature management department which was a truly multi-disciplinary job involving all kind of physics and signatures such as acoustics, magnetics, radar cross section etc., and since approximately 15 years he has been responsible for the R&D at Kockums.

Roger has a background from Lund University and holds a Master of Science in Engineering Physics and a Ph.D. in physics in the area of applied laser physics. He has also a military background as an officer in the reserve and he has recently been appointed fellow of the Royal Society of Naval Sciences.

The underwater related cooperation with KTH started in 2014 when Kockums became a part of the Saab Group.

- Saab and KTH has a long relation and when we joined Saab we started a joint working group related to underwater technologies, says Roger.

The cooperation resulted in the first national research and innovation agenda for underwater technology (NRIA-U) in 2016 and this led to the joint application to SSF resulting in the ongoing research program SMaRC (Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre) hosted by KTH. Saab is one of the main industrial partners in this program, including with a couple of industrial Ph.D. students.

- Underwater technology is considered a core technology at Saab and is important to have a continuous research and technology development including academic cooperation, says Roger.

Roger points out that his new position is a continuation of an already existing fruitful collaboration where he is a core member of the SMaRC program, including Ph.D. supervision, and he has already now annual lectures in underwater technology at KTH.

- I very much look forward to deepen our collaborating and to work even closer with KTH, ends Roger.