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Commutathon - a hackathon on the daily commute

The Swedish Radio has initiated a collaboration with Openlab, Trafik Stockholm, Stockholm City and Samtrafiken - to explore the best way to help the daily commuter in Stockholm, using the mobile phone as a platform.

During a three day hackathon called ”Commutathon” in June 2015 at Openlab, several participating teams will be challenged to find the answer to this. They will use Design Thinking exercises to gain a user perspective, in the development of several solutions. With the support of Openlab coaches, the teams will generate ideas, prototype and and test concepts. Consequently each team will decide on an idea and use the last final time programming a real prototype. After the Hackathon, some concepts can be developed further and one might be tested as part of the Swedish Radios digital range.

Tid: On 2015-06-10 - Fr 2015-06-12

Plats: Openlab, KTH


Susanne Ringström susanne.ringstrom@openlab.se

Exportera till kalender

Apply as a team or by yourself!
Join in by applying at: www.eventbrite.com/e/commutathon-tickets-16748779049

Commutathon - a hackathon on the daily commute

The Swedish Radio has initiated a collaboration with Openlab, Trafik Stockholm,
Stockholm City, Trafikverket and Trafiklab - to explore the best way to help the daily commuter in Stockholm, using the cell phone as a platform.

During a three day hackathon called ”Commutathon” in June 2015 at Openlab, several participating teams will be challenged to find the answer to this. They will use Design Thinking exercises to gain a user perspective, in the development of several solutions. With the support of Openlab coaches, the teams will generate ideas, prototype and and test concepts. Consequently each team will decide on an idea and use the last final time hacking a real prototype. After the Hackathon, some concepts can be developed further and one might be tested as part of the Swedish Radios digital range.

Why a hackathon now?
Why is this hackathon needed now more than ever?
Because the capital of Sweden is growing fast. In recent years, Stockholm has grown by nearly 40 000 people per year. That is equivalent to an annual population growth of about 2 percent. This trend is expected to continue and the forecast for 2022 is a population of about 2.5 million in the county.

Each day, hundreds of thousands of people commute back and forth from work, school and other activities. When the city densifies, commuting distances become longer and the number of passengers will be more. This creates a greater pressure on the infrastructure. The commuting situation becomes more vulnerable.

Gathered information is needed!
Today there are a variety of services for those who want help with their commute. For
example, there are services that describe the traffic situation for motorists on the major roads and services that video streams the queue situations. There is information about
disturbances for public transport and services for information about the weather. In
addition, there is also information on traffic operations and closed down roads, and of course the important traffic reports on the radio.

All these services are available today. But there is no place that gathers them all, making it more accessible for the traveler. Especially not when it comes to the mobile phone.


Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2015-05-27