Mission forms work environment & environment
Please send signed documents to HR ITM .
Risk assessment
General risk assessment must be carried out regularly, as there are risks of ill health and accidents at work. When you are planning to implement any kind of change in your organisation, you need to carry out a risk assessment to assess whether the change may entail risks of ill health or accidents, read more information about this at the Swedish Work Environment Authority.
Risk assessment for organisation changes (Swe, The Swedish Work Environment Authority)
Written documentation is required for all kind of risk assessment (AFS 2001:1, § 8). Below are templates for this.
Mall för riskbedömning (xlsx 20 kB)
Instruktion för riskbedömning och handlingsplan (pdf 99 kB)
Safety representatives should be given the opportunity to participate in the development of the risk assessment and action plan. The employer's representative and the safety representative sign the risk assessment, including the action plan, and it is then taken up in staff collaboration at the level at which the risk exists.
Hazardous materials
Inventeringsblankett (xlsx 21 kB) (inventory form)
Assignment descriptions
Delegation - Föreståndare Brandfarlig vara (docx 20 kB)
Delegation - Institutions-, avdelningsansvarig föreståndare brandfarlig vara (docx 20 kB)
Delegation - Ställföreträdande institutions-, avdelningsansvarig brandfarlig vara (docx 20 kB)
Fire prevention
At meetings / lessons in ITM's auspices sould be shown.
Working documents
Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete, bilaga 1
Checklista för systematiskt brandskyddsarbete (pdf 218 kB)
Assignment description
Delegation – Brandskyddsansvarig (docx 23 kB)
Bilaga till beslut om delegation brandskyddsansvarig (pdf 741 kB)
Uppdragsblankett för ny Brandskyddsansvarig för institution/ enhet (pdf 51 kB)
Evacuation managers
Delegation - Utrymningsledare (docx 16 kB)
Chemical product
Assignment descriptions
Delegation - Kemikaliansvarig och KLARAadministratör (KAKLARA) (docx 21 kB)
Delegation - Kemikaliekoordinator (docx 17 kB)
Delegation - Inventerare av kemikalier i KLARA (docx 18 kB)
Uppdragsblankett för ny KLARA-registrerare (pdf 46 kB)
KTH's form for investigation of CMR products
Delegation – Laboratorieansvarig (docx 22 kB)
Safety representative
KTH:s anmälan av huvudskyddsombud och skyddsombud samt avanmälan av skyddsombud