He investigates PMH in version 2.0

Now that the competence center PMH's time frames expire, KTH's President has decided to work for a continuation of the center. However, the ideas of HOW to move on differ. The President has therefore decided that Peter Samuelsson will investigate what a PMH 2.0 could look like.
PMH is all about Sweden's competitiveness in the field of powertrains for heavy vehicles, an area where Sweden today has a world-leading position through strong industrial companies such as Scania, Volvo and Sandvik as well as many other engineering companies and material manufacturers.
For five years the center has developed and improved technologies for powertrains for heavy vehicles. Under the leadership of Jannik Henser, the center has carried out a large number of projects together with industrial partners and the research institutes Fraunhofer, RISE and Swerim.
For President Sigbritt Karlsson, the collaboration between KTH and the industrial companies is a priority. KTH plays an important role to secure competence in the field of drivelines, both through its research and the new engineers who will enter the industry. Thus, the President extended the project to March 2022, located at the Department of Production Engineering (IIP). In the meantime, a possible continuation will be investigated – a job led by Peter Samuelsson.
”That's right, I have been commissioned to focus on the center’s business and its content to see how a continuation with PMH 2.0 in collaboration with current and new partners could look like. So it is not about taking over someone's job, but finding new opportunities for collaborations. My work is hopefully finished by the turn of the year”.
Peter Samuelsson has extensive experience within both industry and academia. Today he has his own business and helps companies and authorities with business development. But he still has work at KTH where he supervises doctoral students at the Unit of Processes. Now he’d like to facilitate for everyone in the project to “unburden their hearts”.
”There have been frustrations and different ideas about what to do and what path to take. This kind of thing happens when committed people and organisations come together”, says Peter Samuelsson.
Peter has already started interviewing people who worked with PMH to gather everyone’s view of the situation and create an idea of what has worked well during the five years that the center has existed, and what can be improved.
”It is important to remind oneself why PMH is important and why it was formed. From this I will draw conclusions and give suggestions on how PMH could proceed. I hope that I have enough experience and diplomatic qualities to sort out what to focus on for PMH to successfully develop further.”
Text: Anna Gullers