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News for you who make business trips

Person with a suit case
Photo: Serhat Beyazkaya on Unsplash
Published May 06, 2022

In September, 2021, KTH launched a new version of the travel expense system, KTH-RES. We asked Rebecca Ljungqvist, ITM´s Travel officer, for the newest changes and the most problems that people have when using the system.

What are the latest changes in KTH-RES?

  • "There is a direct link now within KTH-RES to the approved travel agency, Egencia, which makes it easier to book trips.
  • The system displays a clearer answer (green or red) which indicates right or wrong. There are also explanation texts and it is easier to understand where the traveler is in the system.
  • KTH-RES collects information directly from HR+ (salary system), for example: email address, private and work mobile telephone numbers and this means that the information must be correct.
  • All receipts must be scanned in, otherwise the expense will not be registered. A receipt can even be photographed with the mobile app Spend Catcher, and then sent directly to KTH-RES.
  • In the new KTH-RES you do not enter an interruption. Instead, report the days for which you want an allowance.
  • An integration with Google Maps calculates mileage for you, as soon as you put in the start and end address.
  • You can save recurring trips as favorites, so that it is easier to retrieve them at a later date".

What are the usual problems that travelers have?

"Many forget to check their personal information and to approve sharing with a third party. Plus if the GDPR square is not checked, then Egencia cannot see the travelers profile and book your trip.

Some people have a difficult time with compiling an expense report. There are detailed instructions on how to do this on the KTH intranet":

How to compile an expense report

How well do ITM's employees manage the new system?

"I would say that ITM employees manage the new system best at KTH. 75% of our employees book their trips via Egencia online, which is the highest at KTH.

Many have commented on that the system is a little complicated in the beginning, but it is not often apparently that ITM employees contact KTH RES at the Central office. We resolve most of the problems directly".

​​​​​​​Get started with KTH-RES

If you have any questions or problems, please email .

Plus, on KTH's Intranet you will find films and instruction manuals:

Get started with KTH-RES

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: May 06, 2022