Two departments become one
The Head of School and the new Department Head explain

Production Engineering (IIP) and Sustainable Production Development (HPU) are two departments close to each other in terms of subject but a bit apart geographically. July 1, 2022, they will merge and already this summer the first step was taken when Magnus Wiktorsson became the head of both departments.

ITM is successful in production and industry 4.0. The school has one department on KTH campus and one in Södertälje that work at the forefront of advanced manufacturing processes, robotics, smart logistics solutions and the sustainable production of the future. The fact that these similar and relatively small units are merged into one has both subject-wise and organisational reasons.
"IIP and HPU have many common features, and I am convinced that the unification can give great synergy effects," says ITM's Head of School Pär Jönsson. "Researchers will be able to benefit from each other's work and, in addition, the processes will be more efficient."
In connection with the unification, the work environment will also be reviewed.
"Now the timing was good," says Pär. "With Magnus Wiktorsson as the leader of both IIP and HPU, I hope we can get a positive new start. But I want to stress that the employees are in focus and that there are no plans to move people between Stockholm and Södertälje, neither now nor later."

Magnus Wiktorsson is a professor of production logistics and has been at the steering wheel of the department in Södertälje since 2019. He already sees great potential for the future, larger department:
"At KTH Södertälje, we work very closely with industrial parties in our research and education, and at IIP they have well-established research and doctoral study processes. With joint efforts, we can create strengths and critical masses for further development of, for example, education at all levels, research strategies and shared infrastructure. I also believe that a great advantage can be created in communication externally and through industrial benefits to KTH's partners – that KTH has a unified department for production."
Now Magnus and the employees have almost a year to work together before the departments really merge. As support, Magnus has the HR Manager Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, who is used to similar processes:
"We will, of course, proceed cautiously and listen to the employees' needs," says Aleksandar". I have great respect that this kind of change can be difficult, but we will do our best to make it as smooth as possible. "
The formal decision on the unification will be made by the KTH President shortly.
Text and illustration: Ulrika Georgsson