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Environment and sustainable development – checklist for new employees

As a new employee at KTH and the School of Industrial Engineering & Management, you need to be aware of our sustainability policies and routines. We also offer environmental training, guides and contact information to the school's environmental support.

Policy for sustainable development

Employees and those working on behalf of KTH have a responsibility to know the
Policy for sustainable development for KTH .

KTH's overall sustainable development objectives

To gain a better insight into KTH's environmental management work, please read KTH's Sustainable Development Objectives 2021-2025 and Climate Objective 2021-2045 (Swe) .

You can find your way to ITM's own action program and environmental targets here: Environmental objectives 2021-2025

Basic environmental training

KTH continuously develop employee training within sustainability and environment.

Environmental courses for employees

Overall routines for the environmental management system

ITM:s skolspecifika rutiner (In Swedish only)

KTH's overall routines for the environmental management system

The routines ensure that we work in line with KTH's environmental management system and environmental legislation. Skim through all the routines and read the routines that apply to you more carefully.

ITM's development plan

ITM's development plan 2018–2023

Who can help me with my questions?

Purchasing and procurement

Purchasing and procurement at ITM


  • Do you need to travel or can you book a digital meeting ?
  • Choose train before air travel whenever possible.
  • Choose direct flight if you book a flight.
  • If there are no direct flights, choose the route with the least number of stopovers.

Business trips at the ITM School

Source sorting, booking travel, catering etc

You can turn to the Service Center  for help, to submit deviations or suggest improvements.

Chemicals, fire, flammable goods and work environment

Responsible for the work environment at the ITM School

The environmental management system

If you have questions regarding the environmental management system or KTH Sustainability Office, please contact:

Kristina Von Oelreich
Kristina Von Oelreich Head of sustainability

KTH Sustainability Office (KTHSO)

Environmental support

If you are not sure where your question belongs, you can email ITM's environmental support:

Annika Lilja
Annika Lilja Environment and sustainable development leader

News about environment and sustainable development at KTH

If you want to know more! Subscribe to news from KTH Sustainability office to get the latest in environmental and sustainable development at KTH.