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event on 17 June

Publicerad 2019-06-10

There are currently many ongoing initiatives on AI in which KTH are involved. Which initiatives exist? How can I get involved, contribute and benefit? Welcome to a seminar that provides updated information about the initiatives from the people that are immediately involved. The seminar is open to all KTH staff.

AI agenda for Sweden – Similarly to many other European countries Sweden needs to develop its own AI agenda. The purpose of the document is to set the ambitions for Sweden as a country and show what type of support that is needed to be able to reach these goals. A first version is planned before Almedalen and the final version is expected early in the fall. KTH is involved in writing about research and education needs. Daniel Gillblad from RISE is project manager and general editor of the document and he will inform about the work.

AI innovation of Sweden – Sweden has high ambitions when it comes to supporting research and innovation on AI by creating a Data factory and a support organization to foster and facilitate AI development and research and Vinnova is funding these initiatives. The national node of AI innovation for Sweden was inaugurated earlier this year and is coordinated by Lindholmen Science Park. A prestudy has just started to derive the requirements for an East Sweden node of the organization and it shall deliver its results in September. Agneta Jacobson from Kista Science City is coordinating the work and will present the plans and how KTH could become involved.

AI Competence for Sweden – A seven university consortium headed by Chalmers has now two years in a row received direct funding from the government to develop and run life long learning initiatives with their own profiles and coordinate a national platform to increase the general awareness and knowledge on AI in the society. At KTH this has been run by KTH executive school 2018-2019 but for the possible future funding we are working on how it to a higher extent can involve faculty. Niklas Gustafsson from KTH Executive School will briefly introduce what has been done and Jan Gulliksen and Leif Kari will talk about how it could be developed for the future and also offer some funding opportunities for future course development already available for the fall of 2019.

Nordic 5 Tech on AI – Within the ongoing university collaboration known as Nordic 5 Tech (KTH, Chalmers, NTNU, Aalto and DTU) the network has just declared an ambition to collaborate on AI. Annika Stensson Trigell, Vice President for Research will present the initiative and how it could engage interested KTH staff.

WASP AI – Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program is Sweden’s largest privately funded research initiative and has managed to recruit a large number of senior faculty and PhD students nationally. Bo Wahlberg is in charge at KTH and he will present the initiative and current new openings

Invited speakers from our fellow universities within WASP AI
Linköping, Örebro, Umeå, Lund, Chalmers, Uppsala etc. (to be confirmed)

Time: Monday June 17, 15.15-17.00
Mingle with drinks and snacks: 17-18

Where: D1, Lindstedtsvägen 17 (https://www.kth.se/places/room/id/31c019b9-674b-41ca-aa5b-6b0a2ab0cc68) - to be confirmed

In order to be able to plan for the facilities and mingle, please sign up here https://doodle.com/poll/h8bbs7h3xradxu73 before June 10.

More information can be found on: https://www.kth.se/social/group/aikth/page/aikth-seminar/

Warm Welcome

Jan Gulliksen, Vice President for Digitalization
Annika Stensson Trigell,Vice President for Research
Tobias Oechtering, Director of the Digitalization platform