Advanced option in Medvind
Here managers can find instructions on how to filter in Medvind to view only direct reported employees in KTH-HR. This guide is intended for managers who oversee other managers.
What does it mean to filter for viewing direct reports?
By filtering to view your direct reports, you can more easily monitor and approve leave requests, track absences, and handle approve (attest) at the end of the month.
Contact HR at your school or the administrative support team if you need assistance with the setup.
The "My Favorites" function
If you work with several different types of selections, the "My Favorites" functon is a great way to make it easier to switch between your preferred selections.
Advanced option step by step
1. Start by clicking on Medvind in the main menu bar. Then click on "Start/Manager" ("Start/Arbetsledare").

2. A new window will open.
3. Click the arrow next to/on the right side of the selected organisation, in this case, "KTH, Rektor".
Note that the default organisation/department may vary depending on your role and the organisation you belong to.

4. Click on "My Favorites" ("Mina favoriter) in the dropdown menu.

5. Name your selection in the "Favorite" ("Favorit") field. Then click on the blue "Organisation"¨icon.

6. Locate the department or departments that you wish to view, and check the box next to the department or departments names. See the example on this page, which shows the department "Development Office".
Note that, depending on your access rights and role, you may see varying levels of the organisational tree in the system.
7. When you have finished selecting the department(s), click "Select" ("Välj").

8. You will now return to "My Favorite Selection" (”Mitt favoriturval”). Click"Save" ("Spara").

9. After clicking "Save" ("Spara") your selection will be saved under "My Favorites" ("Mina favoriter").
By clicking "Select" ("Välj"), you can load the selection you created, the system will display the selection that you have made. You can also create multiple favorites with different selections if desired.

Change selection
1. If you need to modify your selection, you can go back and click on "My Favorites" ("Mina favoriter").

2. Then click on "Edit" ("Ändra").

Make an advanced selection without creating a favorite
There is also the option to make an advanced selection without creating a favorite.
1. Click on "Advanced Selection" ("Avancerat urval"). You can then make the same selections as in steps 5 and 6, see the heading Advanced selection step by step.