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Approve reported hours

Here you find instructions how to approve employees' reported hours in KTH-HR.

Photos in English

The photos explaining the different steps will be updated in English where it´s applicable. However, many steps will be shown in Swedish as it reflects the view in KTH-HR.

As a manager, you approve employees' reported hours in KTH-HR. This needs to be done continuously before the approval of the period/month.

If the view in the system doesn’t match the guide, it could be due to that you have different settings for how tabs are displayed. You can try to change your personal settings .

Approve reported hours step by step

1. Start by clicking on "Supervisor" (Arbetsledare).

2. Select "Supervisor" (Arbetsledare) and select "Planning" (Planering) from the dropdown menu.

3. Click on the "Approval of hours" (Godkännande av tider) tab.

4. To approve the hours, check the box by "Approved by supervisor" (Godkänd av arbetsledare) and then click on "Approval of hours".

It's important to ensure that the "Deviating Allocation" (Avvikande kontering) is correctly filled in before approving the hours.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Nov 14, 2024
Approve reported hours
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Approve and sign employment contracts
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