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Approve and sign employment contracts

Here are instructions on how, as a manager, you approve and sign employment contracts in KTH-HR.

Photos in English

The photos explaining the different steps will be updated in English where it´s applicable. However, many steps will be shown in Swedish as it reflects the view in KTH-HR.

Approve and sign employment contracts step by step

These steps explain how to approve employment contracts and how to sign employment contracts.

Approve employment contracts

1. You can find your tasks by clicking on "Tasks" (Ärenden) in the main menu or in the tasks box on the homepage.

Select task box in main menu or tasks box on homepage.

2. When you, as the manager, have been assigned a case (Ärende), it will have the status "Approved" (Godkänd) This is because HR has created the task and then sent it to you.

3. Once you receive a case (Ärende), you need to review that the details of the case and person are correctly filled out, such as contact information, salary, organisational unit, and any relevant documents for the task. Don't forget to check all tabs.

Review the details for the case.

4. You have the option to preview the employment contract before approval. To do this, click on the "Employment contract" (Anställningsavtal) button.

Preview employment contract.

5. After reviewing the employment contract, you need to approve the case. It will then be sent to HR, who will prepare the contract for digital signatures. Select a person from the drop down menu. Click "Approve and send to" (Attestera och skicka till).

Approve the case and click approve and send to.
The names in the dropdown list are fictional examples.
Approve and send to.

6. After you click "Approve and send," (Attestera och skicka), HR will send the contract for the signature round.

Sign employment contract

1. When the employment contract is complete and ready for signing, you will receive an email from KTH notifying you. You need to click "Continue" (Fortsätt) in order to sign the employment contract.

Window in email and action click continue.

2. After reviewing the contract, click on "Sign Document" (Skriv under dokument). You can sign manually on the screen or, if you sign frequently, upload a saved image of your signature. Once you have signed, the contract will be forwarded to the person that is being hired.

To reject the contract, click on "Reject" (Neka).

Sign or reject the contract.

3. After you, as the signing manager, and the employee, have signed the contract, you will both receive an email informing you that the signing has been approved.

Email confirming the approve of the contract.
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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 19, 2025
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