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Computer Science

Doctoral programme at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)


On 3 November 2022, all doctoral students and supervisors within the doctoral programme received an email with the subject "PhD student and supervisor expectations" containing information about a survey. Those within the programme who did not receive this email may contact the programme director .

Doctoral programme description

Revised 2017-12-28 (pdf 97 kB)  (in Swedish)

Approved 2010-11-30 (pdf 281 kB)

General syllabus for third-cycle subject

Computer Science

Valid for new doctoral students: Approved 2021-10-19 (pdf 320 kB)

Valid for doctoral students admitted before 2021-10-19: Revised 2017-02-01 (pdf 172 kB)  (in Swedish)

Valid for doctoral students admitted before 2017-02-01: Approved 2010-11-30 (pdf 256 kB)

Speech and Music Communication

Valid for new doctoral students: Approved 2024-02-06 (pdf 280 kB)  (in Swedish)

Valid for doctoral students admitted before 2024-02-06: Approved 2017-04-05 (pdf 166 kB)  (in Swedish)

Valid for doctoral students admitted before 2017-04-05: Approved 2010-11-30 (pdf 260 kB)

Are you wondering which syllabus applies to you, or do you want to change to a newer syllabus? See "Which syllabus for third-cycle subject applies to me?" under frequently asked questions for individual study plans .

Courses within the doctoral programme

Compulsory courses

Please see relevant subject study plan.

Optional courses

​See the subheading "How to find planned courses​" on the web page Course information for doctoral students .

Guideline for Progress Seminars

In this subheading, the progression steps for the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science and their requirements are described in terms of a number of performance indicators. The purpose of introducing such indicators is to make explicit to both students and supervisors the learning and research outcomes expected at each step.

All students enrolled in the doctoral programme, including scholarship holders and industry-employed doctoral students, are expected to make timely advancement according to the steps outlined in the policy document linked below. However, for students who are employees, advancement is also tied to advancement in the doctoral ladder , with associated salary increases.

Planning for progression is a joint responsibility of students and their supervisors, and is to be discussed at the yearly meetings with the supervisory groups. Advancement to the next step needs to be approved by the student's main supervisor and the programme director (Swedish: programansvarig).

The document is an official policy of the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science. The performance indicators need to be reflected appropriately in students' individual study plans that are discussed with and approved by the supervisors, and in the progress statements that are discussed yearly with the supervisory groups.

Performance indicators

The progression steps and their corresponding performance indicators are summarized in the table below, excluding submissions, theses and project work.

Step Month Credits Presentations
30% 15 (18) 20 Seminar (scientific plan)
50% 24 (30) 30 Licentiate seminar or equivalent
80% 38 (48) 50 Seminar (thesis proposal)
100% 48 (60) 60 Public defence of doctoral thesis

For further details read the policy document: Doctoral Studies Progression Steps (pdf 93 kB)

Expectation form

See the page Doctoral programmes .

Doctoral Programme Council

Programme Director

Contact for general questions.

Dilian Gurov
Dilian Gurov professor

Division Representatives within the subject Computer Science

Contacts for matters related to the third-cycle subject.

Division: Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)

Dilian Gurov
Dilian Gurov professor
Amir Ahmadian
Amir Ahmadian

Division: Computational Science and Technology (CST)

Pawel Andrzej Herman
Pawel Andrzej Herman associate professor
Joel Kronborg
Joel Kronborg doctoral student

Division: Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH)

Johan Boye
Johan Boye associate professor
Jura Miniota
Jura Miniota doctoral student

Division: Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL)

Petter Ögren
Petter Ögren professor
Fereidoon Zangeneh Kamali
Fereidoon Zangeneh Kamali industry doctoral student

Division: Network and Systems Engineering (NSE)

Mathias Ekstedt
Mathias Ekstedt professor
Simon Gökstorp
Simon Gökstorp doctoral student

Representatives within the subject Speech and Music Communication

Contacts for matters related to the third-cycle subject.

Johan Boye
Johan Boye associate professor
Jura Miniota
Jura Miniota doctoral student
Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad
Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad doctoral student

Find more contacts on the web page Council for Third Cycle Education .