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"Women can make the engineering profession grow and develop"

Portrait Marie
Marie Ideström is external representative in ITM's faculty board.
Published Apr 08, 2024

Marie Ideström takes on the role of external representative in ITM's newly formed faculty board. As CEO of the Womengineer Foundation and a KTH alumna, she's dedicated to fostering female participation in engineering.

Why join ITM's Faculty Board?

"It's a chance to shape the engineering profession into a more progressive and impactful force in society. I'm immensely proud to contribute and hope to offer valuable insights."

How’s the journey been so far?

"Starting out, I felt a deep sense of responsibility. We're currently focused on establishing the board's framework. We need to clarify the board's responsibilities, what rules of procedure and delegation should apply, and optimizing meeting structure so we work efficiently.”

What are your key priorities?

“As the founder of the Womengineer Foundation, the gender equality perspective is of course close to my heart. How do we attract more women to engineering? This is by far the greatest untapped potential for advancing the Swedish engineering landscape."

Your ties to KTH and the road to your profession?

“I graduated from KTH in 2011 with a BSc in Design and Product Realisation and an MSc in Industrial Economics. Outside the board room I'm the CEO of the Womengineer Foundation, dvocating for more women in engineering. My former classmate, Emelie Emanuelsson, and I founded Womengineer during our second year at KTH. We realised what a loss it was that so many potentially amazing engineers were opting out of the profession because they didn't know what it was about, or lacked inspiration in the form of role models.”

Text: Anna Gullers

Voices from other schools' faculty boards

Portrait Photo: a woman in front of a writing desk.
Kristina Höök, member of the EECS Faculty Board. Photo: KTH.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

"Governance through collegiality is a tremendous asset.

Read the interview with Kristina Höök 

Portrait photo: a young woman wearing a brown scarf.
Elsa Berlin is a student representative in the Faculty Board at CBH. Photo: Jon Lindhe.

Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)

“Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about education and have wanted to influence my education.

Read the interview with Elsa Berlin 

Portrait photo: a woman in front of a brick building with a window.
Pernilla Hagbert is Vice Chair of the Faculty Board at ABE. Photo: Josefin Backman

Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)

"I think it is important to have transparency and insight in decision-making and that there is a sustainability lens in all decisions made.

Read the interview with Pernilla Hagbert

Belongs to: Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
Last changed: Apr 08, 2024