First things first: Salaries.
Our salary follows a progress-based model called Doktorandstegen . Following negotiations between KTH and the labour unions, this model is re-evaluated and updated annually in the autumn.
The evaluation of your progress can appear unclear. In some departments, time-based evaluation has become standard whereas in other departments it often depends on seminars you give or on your supervisor.
Working hours
As PhD students we are expected to work 1,700 to 1,756 hours per year which amounts to 40 hours per week (this should be stated in your employment contract).
Our daily working hours are unrestricted or unregulated. See here for more information.
- Can my supervisor require me to work 60 hours per week?
On average, you should work 40 hours per week and your supervisor cannot ask you to work more than that for extended periods of time.
Under certain circumstances, you may be required to work more than 40 hours per week, e.g. when performing field tests. This, however, should be an exception and not the rule!
The number of vacation days depends on your age. Here you can find more information.
All public (national) holidays are non-working days.
Sick leave
In case you are sick, it is most common to simply inform your supervisor and rest until you have recovered - no need to officially register sick leave. Only in cases of extended sick leave, you really should officially register as sick and document it in your eISP (for extending your employment).
Secondary employment/sideline activities (bisyssla)
Secondary employments and sideline activities are to be reported annually. Typically, reminders are sent out via e-mail.
Side activities should not affect your work at KTH. Please make sure to check and comply with relevant official regulations. If you are in doubt, please contact .
Departmental duties & teaching
What are departmental duties?
Beyond your research, you will sometimes also teach classes, hold seminars, supervise thesis students, represent KTH at career fairs, perform lab work or other duties. All these tasks are considered departmental duties.
How many departmental duties do I need to do?
The exact percentage is stated in your your employment contract. Departmental duties are limited to 20%.
Am I allowed to have more than 20% departmental duties?
No, by law you are not allowed to.
Am I being compensated for departmental duties?
Yes, your employment contract is extended by the amount of departmental duties you have. Example: Most PhD students have 20% departmental duties. A PhD position normally is funded for 4 years. With 20% departmental duties this results in a 5-year employment.
Do I need to keep track of my departmental duties?
Yes, of course! Departmental duties have to be documented in your eISP. Besides that, it is advisable that you keep track of your working hours for personal records as well.
Where do I get department duties from?
This differs between the departments. Some departments have educational responsible who assigns department duties to doctoral students, in other departments it is the supervisor who does so.
In any case, your supervisor should have more information for you.