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About examination period 4 and re-examinations for P3 and P4, spring 2022

Information from GVS Education Support (EDO) and the IT Platform for Education


Published May 10, 2022

Here is a summary of information and reminders for the rest of the spring semester's examination periods in 2022; the examination period for P4 in May-June and the re-examinations for P3 in June and P4 in August.

Support, opening hours and FAQ

Create the examination

Do you have questions, or do you want guidance regarding the structure of the examination? Contact , mark your case: Personal coaching examination. We respond within two working days.

IT support

For technical questions regarding the examination tools, contact .

Support opening hours are weekdays, 08:00-16:30.

For support during an ongoing exam, call +46 8 790 66 00.

Exam Administration for Funka Support

If you as an examiner have questions about room placement or other questions regarding examinations for students with support from Funka, please contact the exam administration at the respective campus.






FAQ on examination


Inform students in Canvas

The examiner is responsible for informing the students in Canvas about the different forms and implementation of the examination well in advance of the examination.

Information to communicate to students

Funka support

Before the examination, the examination administration on each campus is the entrance for handling students with compensatory support. See the info box for contact information for each campus.

Funka's recommendations regarding support during examination 

Digital examination in a computer room with lockdown (Safe exam browser, SEB)

For those doing a digital examination in a computer room with lockdown, it is essential to contact the exam administration at your school well in advance so that they can arrange rooms, order an examination account for lockdown with SEB, and contact Tentafunka if necessary. Read more on the page KTH Digicertus Exam, information for spring 2023 .

Digital tools to facilitate the assessment

In Canvas, there are two tools developed by the IT Platform for Education to facilitate the assessment work.

KTH Import Exams

If you want to avoid handling paper exams, you can assess and mark your written on-campus exams digitally with the Canvas function KTH Import Exams. The function is installed in all examination rooms by default, but you must activate it yourself. Read more on the page Scanned exams for Canvas .

KTH Transfer to Ladok

Once the assessment is complete, the result can be transferred securely to Ladok using the KTH Transfer to Ladok function. The feature has recently been updated. In addition to some bug fixes, better support is now given for what can be reported simultaneously. Among other things, it is now easier to transfer the column "Total" from the gradebook in Canvas to Ladok. Read more about Transferring grades from Canvas to Ladok .

Book a workshop

If you or your teaching team/unit want to learn about the functions KTH Import Exams and/or KTH Transfer to Ladok, Book a personal guidance or workshop with presentation and question time about digital assessment in Canvas. Contact .

Order workshops by E-learning 

Web resources

Here are some shortcuts to resources that can support you on the intranet:


The schools' contact persons

Each school has a contact person for planning and coordinating administrative development issues related to examinations.

Contacts for examination

Support for digital education

For support:

For educational support:  (you may not get a reply on the same day).

Other contacts for education

If you have other questions about education at KTH, information is collected on below page:

Contacts for education support at KTH