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Adding feedback to New Quizzes

In Canvas New Quizzes, you can create automatic feedback, both question-specific and for the entire quiz. Question-specific feedback can be given regardless of what the student has answered, but it is also possible to add feedback that only appears for correct or incorrect answers. Here we explain how to add feedback to quizzes and quiz questions.

Feedback per question, customized to student responses

In a New quiz, you can add feedback for each quiz question. The feedback is displayed to students after they submit the quiz. Feedback is important for student learning, so feel free to use this feature to give students insight into what they did well and not so well. However, keep in mind that how you best provide feedback depends on the question type, your course structure, and the purpose of the quiz.

To add feedback to a question:

  1. Press the button to edit the feedback (the icon is of two speech bubbles). The button is located next to the points for the question.
    Two speech bubbles next to the points for a question. The speech bubbles are highlighted.
  2. In the pop-up that opens, there are three text boxes for feedback: what is displayed for correct answers, for incorrect answers, or general feedback that is displayed regardless of the answer (the different types are described in more detail below). Enter your feedback in the appropriate text boxes.
  3. Save the feedback and save the question.

For a more detailed guide, go to How do I add feedback to a question in New quizzes? ( .

Tip! For the “multiple choice” question type, you can also add feedback to specific answer options by pressing the feedback button next to the answer options. This feedback only appears if the answer option is selected by the student.

Feedback types

Quiz feedback can be used in different ways depending on how students respond.

Independent of answer

Provide reading references or feedback that is based on the trains of thought that lead to common incorrect answers. Students who answered correctly interpret the explanation as praise, while those who answered incorrectly learn from the explanation.

For incorrect answers

Explain what can be improved or give a hint on how to reach the correct answer. This is easier to do in question types where there are only a few ways to be wrong, such as multiple choice questions. For other question types, you may need to formulate yourself more generally or avoid this type of feedback.

For correct answers

Reinforce and elaborate on the answer. Feel free to use praise, but also make sure that it is followed by giving nuance to the question and to connect it to the rest of the course.

More about quiz feedback

Read more about Formulate useful feedback on quizzes .

Feedback on the whole quiz

In addition to question-specific feedback, you can also give students general feedback that is displayed with their quiz results (called "custom feedback"). All students see the same feedback and it is always displayed, regardless of the result. Here you can inform your students about, for example, when the results will be published or how they should work with the question-specific feedback. If you give students two attempts at the quiz, with a waiting period in between, you can increase the chance that they will work with your feedback. This is called “Two-step testing” by Gibbs G, 2010b, Using assessment to support student learning, Leeds Met Press, Leeds.

To add custom feedback to the entire quiz:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab when editing the quiz.
  2. Enable “Show Custom Feedback with Results”.
  3. Enter the feedback (it will be saved automatically).

For a more detailed guide, go to the “Show Custom Feedback with Results” section in the guide How do I manage quiz settings in New quizzes? ( .