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Newsmail #39, 2022-10-28

Dear all,

Last week we met with the MMK faculty at an external conference hotel for two days to discuss strategies for future recruitment, life-long learning and PhD education. Most discussions are directly the result of our RAE, the research assessment exercise. We submitted an action plan in September to the KTH President, and the discussions now are mainly on how to implement the suggested actions.

One such action is that we intend to create three new positions in areas that are in the interface between our units, with “systems view” as a common denominator. We’ll submit the application to open up these positions before end of this year and intend to have the positions filled before end of 2023. We intend to create assistant professorships, with opportunities to apply for promotion to associate and full professor, so this is a long-time commitment from MMK.

Speaking about MMK, following the advice from the RAE experts, we will apply to change the English translation of the name of our department. I have hinted towards this earlier. We will not change the Swedish name (Maskinkonstruktion) just yet, we postpone that, but we make a correction regarding the English translation that has become outdated (Machine Design). I suggested the new English translation to the mgmt. board on Wednesday, and asked for discussions in the local groups, and, unless we get massive negative feedback, I intend to make a formal decision on the new translation on Nov 9.

Regarding the PhD education. Ulf Olofsson will lead a development effort aimed at renewing the general study plan (the ASP, not the ISP). This work will include the PhD students and run during 2022/23, with the ambition to have a revised study plan in spring 2023. In the revised study plan, we will have more clearer goals and targets regarding for example requirement for number of publications in a dissertation.

Now I wish everyone a nice weekend,
