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  • CERN project 2022

    Visitors at CERN in fornt om blue pipe labeled "Accelerating Science".
    Publicerad 2023-04-24

    The Physics Chapter has recently been on a study visit to CERN in Geneva. We interviewed Erik Åkerberg and Christian Ohm regarding the visit, the work at CERN and much more.

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  • Interview with Elias Zea

    Elias Zea, assistant professor at KTH Engineering Mechanics, in front of a lake
    Elias Zea
    Publicerad 2023-02-28

    We interviewed Elias regarding his recent appointment as an assistant professor in engineering acoustics. Elias talked to us about his career, educational background, future plans and more.

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  • Interview with Oscar Tjernberg and Jens Fransson

    Publicerad 2023-01-31

    Since January 2023, we have had a new Director of Third Cycle Education, Oscar Tjernberg, and new Deputy Director of Third Cycle Education, Jens Fransson. Oscar and Jens talked to us about their new r...

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  • Strömningsforskning för energisnål framtid

    Porträtt på Shervin Bagheri.
    Bagheri Shervin professor i strömningsmekanik, får ERC Consolidator Grants 2023, ett anslag som delas ut till forskare med potential att bli världsledande inom sitt område. (Foto: Erik Thor)
    Publicerad 2023-01-31

    Shervin Bagheri forskar om hur strömmande vätskor och gaser samverkar med ytor och material. Nu får han finansiering från ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 för att studera så kallade självsmörjande ytor. S...

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  • Framtidens utbildning vid skolan för teknikvetenskap 

    Foto: studenter inne på borggården till KTH:s huvudbyggnad under blå himmel med vita moln.
    Publicerad 2022-12-16

    Under det senaste året har arbetet med förändringsprogrammet Framtidens utbildning vid KTH diskuterats på olika nivåer, t.ex. vid SCI-skolans fakultetsfrukost och skolkollegiet. För närvarande pågår d...

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  • Interview with Lucie Delemotte

    Publicerad 2022-12-14

    Lucie Delemotte, associate professor of biophysics, and her collaborators have been awarded a grant of SEK 27,100,000 over five years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Lucie informed us o...

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  • Anna Delin, professor of materials and nanophysics, has been granted SEK 25,200,000

    Publicerad 2022-12-14

    Anna Delin, professor of materials and nanophysics, has been granted SEK 25,200,000 over five years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for the project LIGHTMATTER. Anna spoke to us about it...

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  • Interview with Romain Rumpler

    Publicerad 2022-12-14
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  • AlbaNova

    Publicerad 2022-12-12

    The bridge that connects AlbaNova's main building and House 3 is finally in place. Watch the video showing when the bridge was put into place

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  • Interview with Tomas Ekholm

    Publicerad 2022-12-12
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  • Interview with Carlota Canalias Gomez

    Publicerad 2022-10-27
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  • Interview with Janne Wallenius

    Publicerad 2022-09-28
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  • Interview with Josefin Larsson

    Publicerad 2022-09-28

    Josefin Larsson was recently promoted to Wallenberg Scholar. We interviewed Josefin and talked about the promotion, as well as her career.

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  • Carlos Casanueva Perez talks about the strategic educational development program at KTH

    Publicerad 2022-08-31
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  • Interview with Jennifer Ryan

    Publicerad 2022-06-23

    We interviewed Jennifer Ryan, recently appointed as associate professor in mathematics with specialisation in numerical analysis. Jennifer talked about her background, the research questions she pursu...

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  • SCI School Party 2022

    Publicerad 2022-06-21

    On June 1st, our School organised a school-party at the restaurant Proviant. A total of 238 employees signed up for the party expressing interest to attend.

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  • Interview with Klaus Kröncke

    Publicerad 2022-05-30
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  • Interview with Ninni Carlsund Levin

    Publicerad 2022-05-30
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  • Interview with Ricardo Vinuesa

    Publicerad 2022-05-24
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  • Göran Gustafsson symposium in Mathematics 2022

    Publicerad 2022-04-29

    The Göran Gustafsson lectures in Mathematics, May 30–June 1, 2022 are given by professor June Huh from Princeton University. June Huh has made several recent breakthroughs in combinatorics using ideas...

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