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SCI News

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  • Att jobba på campus under pandemin

    Publicerad 2021-02-23

    Pandemin gör att de flesta arbetar hemifrån. Vi har träffat tre personer på SCI-skolan vars arbetsuppgifter gör att de behöver vara på campus.

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  • Applied Physics gathering on the Albano campus

    From left: House 3, Albanova mainbuilding and Functional & Nano lab. Photo: Sofia Nyström
    From left: House 3, AlbaNova mainbuilding and Functional & Nano lab. Photo: Sofia Nyström
    Publicerad 2021-02-22

    The two divisions within Applied Physics, the Materials and Nanophysics division and the Photonics division that contain approximately ten research groups and 70 persons in total, moved to the new bui...

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  • Interview with Johan Nordstrand

    Johan Nordstrand. Photo: Sofia Nyström
    Publicerad 2021-01-26

    We have met Johan Nordstrand, a Doctoral student from the research group Functional & Nano Materials (FNM), Department of Applied Physics for an interview. Johan has recently participated in the confe...

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  • Digital virtual lab

    Ulrich Vogt
    Publicerad 2021-01-26

    Ulrich Vogt, Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, who usually has physical labs in his course. During the pandemic he had to transition to digital labs. In this interview, he tells us about...

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  • Mathematics of Data and AI

    Publicerad 2021-01-26

    Interview with Katharina Jochemko, Kathlén Kohn Martina Scolamiero and Liam Solus, who are Assistant Professors at the newly established division "Mathematics of Data and AI" which is funded by WASP a...

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  • Electric powered aircraft to KTH

    The electric powered aircraft the Windex 1200 (left). Head of SCI school Sandra Di Rocco is testing the plane at KTH (right). Photographer: Saab and Helene Rune.
    Publicerad 2020-12-22

    KTH has recently received an electric powered aircraft from Saab in Linköping.  The aircraft type, known as the Windex 1200, was originally developed by a small team involving KTH Professor Sven-Olof ...

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  • Mats Wallin is the new Director of AlbaNova

    Mats Wallin, the new Director of AlbaNova, monitors the growing Albano campus from his office window. Photographer: Sofia Nyström
    Publicerad 2020-12-17

    Mats Wallin, professor of theoretical physics, Department of Physics, is from January 2021 the new Director of AlbaNova.

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  • Quantum system solves problem remarkably fast

    Val Zwiller, Department of Applied physics.
    Publicerad 2020-12-17

    Val Zwiller, division of Quantum nano photonics, Department of Appleid physics, who collaborate with University of Science and Technology of China research group, was interviewed this week on Chinese ...

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  • Tiotusentals tentor och pandemi sätter administrationen på prov

    Helene Rune, administrativ chef på SCI-skolan (här på KTH:s nationella tentamenkonferens). Foto: Sofia Nyström
    Publicerad 2020-12-17

    Årligen genomförs drygt 90 000 tentor på KTH varav en tredjedel på SCI-skolan. I och med pandemin sker tentorna digitalt vilket har fått organisationen och inte minst tentaadministratörerna att steppa...

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  • Superconductors can revolutionize how we use electricity

    Oscar Tjernberg and his model of superconducting train that hovers above magnetic rails. Photography: Oscar Tjernberg
    Publicerad 2020-12-15

    For the first time, American researchers have succeeded in creating a so-called superconductor that works at room temperature. This technology has the potential to revolutionize how we use electricity...

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  • Mansour and Alfredsson share their teaching

    Rami Mansour and Bo Alfredsson, Department of Engineering mechanics.
    Publicerad 2020-12-15

    Rami Mansour, researcher, and Bo Alfredsson, Director of undergraduate studies, Department of Engineering mechanics, share their experience with developing teaching.

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  • Rami Mansour

    Rami Mansour.
    Publicerad 2020-12-10

    How can teachers assess the benefits of a combined physical and virtual learning environment? As a course responsible and supervisor of both undergraduate and graduate students, I am particularly inte...

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  • General Electric köper Prismatic Sensors

    Mats Danielsson
    Mats Danielsson. Foto: Prismatic Sensors
    Publicerad 2020-11-27

    Det är nu klart att amerikanska General Electric köper upp avknoppningsföretaget Prismatic Sensors som grundades vid KTH 2012.

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  • KTH in collaboration with Brazil

    Dan Henningson, KTH
    Dan Henningson, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Department of Engineering, KTH. Photography: Private
    Publicerad 2020-11-26

    Dan Henningson, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, has been commuting between Stockholm and Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, for five years. The aim is to build a partnersh...

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  • Danijela Damjanovic and Kristian Bjerklöv KTH Mathematics

    Danijela Damjanovic and Kristian Bjerklöv,  Dept. Of Mathematics. Foto: Privat
    Danijela Damjanovic and Kristian Bjerklöv, Dept. Of Mathematics. Foto: Privat
    Publicerad 2020-11-26

    This year has posed challenges for the whole society. At these difficult times our faculty and teaching personnel are doing their best to ensure a good quality teaching to our students.

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  • Förtydligande från SCI-skolans ledning angående KTH:s nya riktlinjer för Covid-19

    Publicerad 2020-11-20
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  • Här växer kunskap och kompetens kring kärnteknik

    Publicerad 2020-11-12

    Svenskt Kärntekniskt Centrums (SKC) årliga symposium gick av stapeln i oktober. Under två dagar samlades cirka 100 forskare, studenter och industrirepresentanter digitalt för att dela sin kunskap.

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  • Lucie Delemotte, Biophysics

    Publicerad 2020-10-29
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  • Recipients of the 2020 Borelius Medal

    Publicerad 2020-10-28

    In the spring of 1998, the board of the then “TFY faculty” decided to establish the Borelius medal, following a proposal by professor Per Carlson (now emeritus professor at the Physics Department). Th...

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  • Welcome lunch seminar for new PhD students

    Publicerad 2020-10-28

    Last week, the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) held a welcome lunch seminar for new PhD students. This is the first year such an event has been organized at our school.

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