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Lecturers and other external staff

This page contains information on rules and procedures applicable for temporary employment and time reporting for external visiting teachers, lecturers and other temporary staff.

When an external lecturer, visiting teacher or other temporary employee is contracted for temporary and individual assignments, the Division head/course coordinator must ensure that accurate information is sent to HR for payment of remuneration. Service Center can assist with travel arrangements and administration of remuneration for guests . For the payment of hourly wages to external staff residing in other countries, HR needs a SINK decision (special income tax on non-residents) before time can be reported or wages paid.

Process for contracting external lecturer, guest teacher or other external staff

  1. Send the personal data to HR, who will check it against the LAS list to verify that the person can be employed. You can find the email address of your department’s HR contact on the . HR will assist with the employment confirmation. 
  2. Contact Service Center  for travel arrangements.
  3. To register hours/remuneration, use the document “Payment of remuneration/hourly wages”, found below. The form must include the payroll project designation and be signed by the course coordinator and Head of division. Payment of remuneration/hourly wages (doc 348 kB) . The hourly wages are negociated by the central administration at KTH. Link to KTH's page of hourly wage amount.
  4. Remuneration/hourly wages are paid out at the next payroll date.

An employment confirmation signed by the head of school and the employee is required before employing other external staff expected to submit regular time reports. Please contact HR for more information and assistance. 

Persons hired for assignments who are not Swedish residents

If you invite someone from abroad for an assignment in Sweden, an application to the Swedish Tax Agency is required to be able to pay remuneration or compensation for expenses.

Send the following information to Service Center , who will also assist with travel and accommodation arrangements: 

  • Name, date of birth and home address in the country of residence
  • Tax registration number (if any) in the home country
  • Copy of passport
  • Total remuneration or number of hours the person is expected to work

Assignments from abroad

KTH may not employ locally abroad but in some cases there may be openings for taking on assignments from abroad. Read more here