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Number of hits: 36

  • Teacher stories: "Experiences about oral examination"

    What it is like to hold the examination digitally, and what do the students think? Göran Manneberg talks from his many years of experiences regarding oral examination. Here you find the documentation (film and link to presentation, in Swedish) from the webinar.

  • Combining campus-based lecture with Zoom (webstreaming)

    How can you both practically and pedagogically handle teaching opportunities where some students are on campus and others at a distance? Here is documentation (film and presentation) of this autumn's first Lunch 'n' Learn in English from E-learning.

  • "Alternatives to Proctored Examinations-Assessing Student Learning in Online Courses"

    What advantages and disadvantages do we encounter when we depart from the classic monitored exam? Arnold Pears, Professor of Engineering education research presents the latest findings in his field and then a large portion of the time will be devoted to collegial discussion. Here you find the documentation (film and link to presentation, in Swedish) from the webinar.

  • Teacher stories: "How I replaced one proctored campus exam with a home exam" (SWE)

    Viggo Kann describes how quizzes and master's tests, with written and oral presentation, can successfully replace proctored campus exams, even in courses with large student groups. Here you find the documentation (film and link to presentation, in Swedish) from the webinar.

  • Teacher stories: "Practical Course Experiences of the Change in Period 4" (SWE)

    Anders Sjögren talks about how he handled the rapid transition to distance education, which in March became a reality for all teachers. The presentation is based on the course "II1302, Projects and project methods" which he taught during period 4. Here you find the documentation, film and link to the presentation from the webinar (in Swedish).

  • Student stories: "To study in pandemic times" (SWE)

    Students are not a homogeneous group and the experiences of studying at a distance during the pandemic are different. But the common denominator is that the distancing is stressful in different ways. In this webinar, student Teo Elmfeldt gives examples of what life as a student is like right now and which different teaching methods and digital solutions work well and which ones work not so well. Here is documentation (film and link to presentation) from the webinar. Here you find the documentation, film and link to the presentation from the webinar (in Swedish).

  • Digital meetings and active student engagement

    How do you succeed with Zoom meetings and active learning? In this webinar, Stefan Stenbom (Digital Learning Unit) presented principles and guidelines on creating and maintaining digital meetings that are characterized by active learning in full- and part-distance courses. The presentation is based on a theoretical framework for learning experiences and gives both tips and concrete examples. Here is the documentation (video) from the webinar presented in English.

  • Teacher stories: "Oral examination from different points of view" (SWE)

    In this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar, Gunnar Tibert (SCI) talks about his experiences of oral examination in several different courses. What is it like to have an oral examination on site or digitally, and how was it evaluated by the students? Here you find the documentation, film and link to the presentation from the webinar (in Swedish).

  • Teacher stories: "Teaching with students being present in the classroom and online"

    Having to manage students online as well in the classroom is a new situation for many teachers, with a lot of new challenges to make the teaching work. At the webinar, Carl-Mikael Zetterling told about which equipment he has used and how he combined teaching for students in the auditorium and online along with a course design involving recording of lectures and opportunities for laboratory work that can be performed at home. Here you find the documentation from the webinar.

  • Teacher stories: "How Mentimeter can support your teaching and students learning"

    KTH now has a campus license for Mentimeter and teachers can use the tool to create interaction with the students in, for example, in a lecture. Here is video documentation (in Swedish) from the Lunch ‘n’ Learn webinar with a presentation of Mentimeter and also examples of how teachers at KTH use it in their own teaching.

  • Funka support: Experiences and intricacies regarding the pedagogical, compensatory support

    How can KTH best meet students' needs for pedagogical support during examinations and at the same time follow the intended learning outcomes? Is it possible to work proactively and have the solutions ready even before the tricky cases come in? Here is the documentation (links and video, in Swedish) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar on funka support, examination and how we can work together on these issues.

  • Teacher stories: "Online videos for education"

    What is a good educational video and why should one continue to use online videos after we can safely return to an in-person meeting when the pandemic is over? In this webinar Joakim Jaldén share his thoughts on the video format for teaching and learning at KTH. Here you find the documentation (video) from the webinar.

  • Streamline your online education – Reach out to the viewers through small means

    At this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar, media technicians at KTH share tips for creating video and also highlight students' perspectives. Here is the documentation (video, in Swedish) from the webinar and the following panel discussion on how to make video that reaches out and engages!

  • How the study and learning environment is linked to student well-being

    How are our students? With the pandemic, the study and learning environment has changed, and most of the teaching has become entirely digital and at a distance. How are the students affected, and what can I as a teacher do to ensure that they complete their studies and maintain their well-being?

  • Zoom presence – a better way to conduct Zoom exams

    Are you planning to examine through Zoom? Then this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar is for you! A pedagogical developer from the E-learning team introduces the theoretical framework for Zoom presence, and a teacher talks about how she uses Zoom in her examination. Here is the documentation (video, in Swedish) from the webinar.

  • Ministudio – record video for teaching at your school

    With a ministudio, you can easily get started with creating videos for your courses. IT support helps with ordering, setting up the technology in the school premises and provides support and tips. Here is the documentation (video and links, in Swedish) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar where the concept of ministudio was presented.

  • Intended learning outcomes – how to formulate them and work with them in Canvas

    Outcomes-based grading criteria must be introduced on all KTH courses with a graded grading scale, according to the KTH president's decision. So how do you create a good intended learning outcome and how can the goals be implemented in Canvas? Here is the documentation (links and video, in Swedish) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar on intended learning outcomes, grading criteria and the Canvas feature that can be used.

  • News about Canvas and course room template

    Do you work practically with education at KTH and have not had time to update yourself on what is new in system support for digital learning? Here you get a summary of some important news from the past year. Here is the documentation (links and video, in Swedish) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar on news from E-learning.

  • How to moderate in Zoom - what does it entail, why is it important and how does it work?

    Leading a web meeting or giving an online lecture involves new challenges. What is special about digital meeting environments? How can I best conduct a meeting? How should I handle large student groups if everyone wants to talk at the same time? This webinar will bring up challenges when moderating Zoom meetings along with suggestions on how to handle them. Here you find the documentation (film and link to presentation, in Swedish) from the webinar.

  • How can my students become active co-creators instead of a passive audience? 

    Canvas, Zoom and Mentimeter can all mean for a more interactive learning environment. The team of educational developers at the E-learning management object guide through some of the aspects. Here is the documentation (video, in Swedish, and links) from the Lunch ‘n’ Learn webinar on making the students active co-creators.

  • Teacher stories: Experiences of hybrid teaching

    Hybrid teaching comes with challenges and possibilities. A panel consisting of teachers, pedagogical staff, and technicians gathered to talk about their parts of hybrid teaching and give a short introduction to different types of rooms at KTH where hybrid is possible in various formats. Here is the documentation (videos, in Swedish, and links) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar on experiences of hybrid teaching.

  • Panel discussion: Experiences from locked examination in computer rooms

    At KTH, several courses have conducted examinations in computer rooms where the computers are locked down using the Safe Exam Browser (SEB). The lockdown is available in KTH's computer rooms with Windows, and currently provides access to Canvas and Möbius. The webinar introduces examination in computer rooms with SEB followed by a panel discussion with teachers and administrative staff who have used the solution.

  • Multi-university course projects – an example from KTH and UTokyo

    During the webinar, Fredrik Lundell and Junichiro Shiomi presented a joint course activity between the University of Tokyo and KTH, where scaffolded projects were used in subject courses on fluid mechanics. They share their experience on the concept, some guiding principles, the challenge they faced, how it was all structured and some of the key reflections from the pilot project.

  • Current perspectives on (digital) assessment

    Assessment for learning can be done in many different ways. During the webinar, Ida Naimi-Akbar, doctoral student and lecturer at Learning in STEM, presents and problematizes some of the perspectives on (digital) assessment for learning.

  • How you can implement cognitive psychology to promote student learning

    A Lunch ‘n’ Learn on how to implement research-based strategies from cognitive psychology. Learn more about retrieval practice and how it can be implemented in your course today. Marcus inspires thought and offers insights in the world of cognitive psychology.

  • Digital accessibility: Currently and in the future at KTH

    Documentation from Lunch ‘n’ Learn on digital accessibility with Jan Gulliksen and Stefan Johansson, PhD in Human-Computer Interaction. Why digital accessibility is important, what KTH has done so far and what is planned are introduced during the webinar.

  • Panel discussion: How to plan the teaching session from your prerecorded video material?

    A panel discussion was given on recorded lectures and how scheduled time can be designed from this condition. We discussed arranging the time, tools for interaction, participation, and aspects of a flipped classroom during the webinar.

  • ChatGPT and other generative AI technology – possibilities and challenges

    The public launch of the chatbot ChatGPT in late 2022 significantly heightened awareness about generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential. Consequently, it is reshaping our perceptions around the utilization of digital technology. Professor Peter Parnes (Luleå University of Technology) presents the latest developments in the area, along with some of its promises for the future of artificial intelligence. How can these kinds of tools be used in education and how should its limitations be mitigated?

  • Promoting learning and preventing cheating

    How can teachers, students and institutions take measures to prevent cheating and, at the same time, promote learning? Viggo Kann and Camilla Björn from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Ninni Carlsund and Magnus Andersson from the School of Engineering Sciences talk about this in this webinar.

  • Create engagement in your Zoom lectures

    Gottfried Gemzell (Digital educator) has worked with everything from getting computer programs to writing novels to the distance program at Berghs. In this webinar, we get Gottfrieds tips on creating engagement in distance lectures, woven into his own experiences from his background. Here is the documentation (videos in Swedish, and links) from this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar.

  • The most important news in Canvas ahead of P3 VT22

    Do you work practically with education at KTH and have not had the time to update yourself on the news and new functionalities in Canvas at KTH? This webinar gives you a quick rundown ahead of the spring semester. Here is the documentation (links and video) from the Lunch 'n' Learn webinar on the most important news in Canvas ahead of P3 VT22.

  • Flipped Lunch 'n' Learn about new updates in Canvas ahead of HT22

    This autumn's first Lunch 'n' Learn was about updates and new features in Canvas. It was in so-called reverse ("flipped") format. An open Q&A session followed a pre-recorded presentation.

  • How do students study video material in teaching?

    Do students use instructional video as we think, or do they do it in other ways, and if so, how? What is the importance of video for inclusion? What does it mean that today’s students study videos instead of watching videos? These questions, and much more, were discussed at Lunch ‘n’ Learn when a study on students’ experiences with video was presented.

  • Student stories: Experiences of pre-recorded video material in teaching

    A Lunch 'n' Learn with a student panel on experiences of pre-recorded video material in teaching. The team for web conferencing, video and streaming (WVS) presents the technical and pedagogical support in the area, and Kamilla Andersson briefly presents a study conducted by Digital course development (DKU) on students' use of video. The students in the panel talk about their experiences with video and give tips on when it can be good in teaching.

  • Create professional lecture material

    A well-designed and structured presentation affects the audience's/viewer's cognitive ability to process the information, according to Richard E. Mayer, educational psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Visual communication and the use of visual materials are also a kind of shortcut to deep learning. How can you utilize these principles when designing your lecture material? That's what this webinar is about.

  • Lunch 'n' Learn: AI and examination

    Increased access to powerful AI tools brings new opportunities and challenges in how we work with assessment and examination. In this Lunch’n’Learn, you will hear from Jane Bottomley, Elias Flening, and Richard Lee Davis as they share their experiences of conducting assessments in a world with generative AI.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 09, 2024