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About exam period P4 and re-exams in June and August 2021

Here is updated information


Published Apr 20, 2021

The implementation of examinations in period P4 and re-examinations in June and August will occur per the First and Second Cycle Education Committee's action plan regarding spring 2021. Here you will find essential and practical information such as new guide pages for Canvas and about the method of "Zoom presence".

Outdated information

This news article was about examination for Spring 2021.

For up-to-date information about examination: Examination .

Support, opening hours and FAQ


For technical questions about the examination tools, please contact .

Support opening hours are 07:30–16:30 for regular exam periods:

  • exam period P4: 31/5–4/6, 7–8/6
  •  re-exams P3: 10–12/6
  • re-exams P4: 16–20/8, 23–28/8

For support during the exam, call +46 8 790 66 00.

Administration and Funka

For administrative questions, contact the education administration at your school, which can also assist with any transfers of exam setups to Tentafunka. For questions about the students' compensatory support concerning different examination forms, contact .


KTH's recommended forms of examination

According to the  by the First and Second Cycle Education Committee (GU), the following examination forms apply during spring semester 2021 (VT21):

  • Examination must continue primarily with forms of examination other than written campus-based examination.
  • Based on proven experience and in order to increase the diversity of examination forms, the First and Second Cycle Education Committee recommends that oral examination or unsupervised digital examinations be used to a greater extent.
  • Furthermore, continuous examination is encouraged.

Important to remember

Checklist for examination

There is now a checklist you can use for the examination in your Canvas course. These are some of the things you can read about, and find links to more information about:

  • Examination rooms
  • How to set up automatic handling of assessments
  • How to create assignments and quizzes
  • Planning for reporting the final grade
  • What you should inform the students about

Checklist for examination in Canvas

Additional examinations have to be offered

In order to avoid the spread of COVID-19, students who have symptoms before a on-campus examination have to be offered an additional examination opportunity.

P3 re-examinations

Teachers who have been granted on-campus examination for the re-examination period P3 but who want to switch to a remote form of examination must inform the students in the respective course room in Canvas no later than 26 April. The teachers who do not offer an extra remote examination during the re-examination period in June, are obliged to offer an extra remote examination in August.

Read about what applies to this in a separate article: Extra examinations to be offered due to COVID-19

Information for students

The examiner is responsible in making sure that the students are issued with written information regarding the examination ahead of time. Now you can see the information you should issue to the students all collected on one page: Information to communicate to students .

Support for students with disabilities

Tips regarding Canvas and Zoom presence

New Canvas pages

KTH has released new guide pages regarding the use of Canvas for examinations.

KTH's exam room template

Assignments in Canvas

Möbius - LTI app in Canvas for numerical calculations

The Quiz function in Canvas

Check for plagiarism with Ouriginal

The Grades function in Canvas

New method: Zoom presence

Remote examination with Zoom was developed rapidly in 2020. The method has since been developed to better fit in a digital context in the longer term. The pages on examination with Zoom  have now been updated with a new method called Zoom Presence.

In , the student conducts an exam at any quiet place while the student is available via Zoom for communication with the examiner or on-call teacher. The method can be seen as a form of home exam but where the exam assignments can be combined with meetings, either as a progress meeting or a small oral examination moment.

Other examination examples

Related links

Remote examination

Pages for students about examination (Student at KTH)

Disciplinary matters