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Course analysis template

This is what the template contains for course analyses carried out for KTH's courses. The template is automatically published in Canvas for each course. Canvas is also where you fill in the course analysis.

New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25

These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system, LEQ , is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.

Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

The course analysis consists of two parts:

  • Part 1 contains data about the course, study results and results from e.g. course survey
  • Part 2 contains the course coordinator's own reflections, such as how the course can be developed further

The template has been developed by a working group consisting of lecturers and representatives from THS, with the support of quality coordinators at the management office.

Part 1: Course data and results

The first part of the course analysis contains data and learning outcomes from the course, as well as results from the course survey and other course evaluation methods.

Overview of the course

The information below is automatically collected from KOPPS or equivalent study documentation system.

  • Course name
  • Course code
  • School/institution
  • Periods
  • Examiner
  • Course coordinator
  • Lecturer
  • Number of students registered
  • Part of programme (yes or no, if yes, indicate which programme)
  • Examination elements
  • Course objectives (after completing the course, students should be able to...)

Course outcomes

Here the outcome of different reported elements of the course are shown. Courses can have several different types of examinations.

Results from examinations such as exams (TENA), project examinations (PROJ) and/or other types of examinations

Number of students who have reported results from the examination as well as a table with the grade distribution of the element and any brief comment from the course coordinator.

Overall result of the course

Number of students who have reported results from all examinations on the course and graph with the grade distribution of the entire course.

Results from course evaluation

Here the results from the different ways in which the course has been evaluated are collected.

The KTH-wide course evaluation survey

Number of students who completed the course evaluation survey and the response rate as a percentage of the number of first-time registered students.

Graphical presentation of the course evaluation results, without free text answers.

Results from other course evaluation methods such as course committee meetings, free text responses in the survey and teachers' own reflections

Results from other types of course evaluations carried out during the course. These may include, for example, those arising from course committee meetings or from students' free text responses to the course evaluation questionnaire. The course coordinator can also write their own reflections, which they want to be visible to the students.

Part 2: Course coordinator's reflections

The second part of the course analysis contains the course coordinator's own reflections. The reflections in part two are internal and only visible to the teacher and other relevant internal functions, such as the programme manager, with the exception of the last point (Changes introduced for the next course offering) which is published on the course's public About course  page.

Note changes that have occurred since the last course offering

Description of the changes made since the last course offering.

What worked well with the course?

Description of what worked well with the current course offering.

How can the course be developed in the future?

Description of the ways in which the course could be developed for future offerings.

Changes introduced for the next course offering

The teacher in charge of the course summarises his/her analysis and describes the changes that will be introduced next time. The changes are compiled in a bulleted list based on course evaluation results and other relevant course data. The bulleted list is published in Canvas and About the course and becomes visible to students.

Do you have questions?

If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact .

If you have any questions about the course evaluation, course analysis, or KTH's quality assurance processes, please contact .

Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25

Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.

As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via About course  from reading period 3.

Here you can read about the project to develop the new system: Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis