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Course evaluation and course development

A teacher is talking to two students

Course evaluation and course development is an important part of KTH's quality work. In order to continuously develop courses, students and teachers have the opportunity to give their opinion and reflect on courses through tools such as course surveys and course analyses.

New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25

These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system, LEQ , is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.

Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

The work of evaluating and developing courses is part of KTH's overall quality work for education. Courses must be evaluated annually using tools such as course evaluation and course analysis.

Process and timeline

See what the process for course evaluation and course analysis looks like, step by step from the creation of the course survey to the completion of the course analysis and a possible action plan is created. In the process, you can see what happens and when, as well as instructions for how to customise a course survey and how to complete the course analysis.

Process and timeline for course evaluation and course analysis

Course survey via Canvas

At the end of courses, students are given the opportunity to give their opinion via a course survey directly in Canvas. Course surveys are automated, but as a teacher you have several options to customise the survey to suit the course.

Course survey via Canvas

Course survey template

Adjust course survey

Course analysis and course development

All courses at KTH are to be followed up annually. Through course analysis, which can be based on, among other things, results from course surveys, course meetings and other insights during the course, teachers can reflect on the course and how it can be developed for future course rounds.

Course analysis and course development

Course analysis template

How to fill in course analysis

Action plan for courses

Support for course development

Requirements and guidelines

There are certain requirements and guidelines, both from KTH and legislation, that concern course evaluation and course analysis. Most requirements are automatically fulfilled through the automatic course surveys in Canvas, but you need to actively write a course analysis to fulfil KTH's guidelines and the legal requirements.

Requirements and guidelines for course evaluation and course development

Frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ)

Find frequently asked questions and answers about course evaluation, course surveys, course analysis and course development. We have also collected terminology and expressions that may be useful to know.

Frequently asked questions about course evaluation and development

Do you have any questions?

If you have technical problems, please contact

If you have any questions about course surveys, course analyses or KTH's quality work in general, contact

Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25

Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.

As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via About course  from reading period 3.

Here you can read about the project to develop the new system: Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis