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Process and timeline for course evaluation and course analysis

Here you can see what the process for course evaluation and course analysis looks like, step by step from the creation of the course survey to the completion of the course analysis and a possible action plan is created. As a teacher, you do not need to do anything until it is time to write your course analysis, everything else is done automatically via Canvas. However, you have the opportunity to customise the course survey before it is sent out. In the process, you will see what happens and when, as well as instructions on how to customise a course survey and how to complete the course analysis.

New system for course evaluation and course analysis in use from study period 3 VT25

These pages describe the new system for course evaluation and course analysis that is being used for course offerings starting in study period 3, spring semester 2025. The previous system, LEQ , is being phased out at the same time as the new system is launched.

Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

This is how course evaluation and course analysis works, from the creation of the course survey to the completion and publication of the course analysis. On this page you will first find a summary for teachers, and further down the complete process if you want to know how all the steps happen and when.

Summary of the process and timeline for teachers

Here is the process for the course survey and course analysis in four short steps. As a course coordinator, you don't need to do anything until it is time to write the course analysis – everything else happens automatically.

1. Survey is automatically created in Canvas

The survey is created in Canvas well before it is published for students. The course coordinator receives an e-mail when the survey is created. If you wish, you can now customise the survey by adding questions, adjusting the start date, selecting moderation and adding more authorisations before it is published to students.

Adjust course survey via Canvas

2. Survey is automatically published for students

The survey is published for students in Canvas on the Monday after the course end date, or the date you have chosen. Students receive an e-mail when the survey is available in Canvas. They always have 11 days to respond to the survey.

3. Reports are automatically created

Two reports with survey results and course data are created 11 days after publication:

  • One with free text responses, which is only available to you and other authorised persons such as the head of department, Programme Director (PA) or Director of First and Second Cycle Education (GA).
  • One without free text answers, which is published in the course room in Canvas together with the course analysis once it is completed.

4. Write your course analysis

Write your course analysis within 7 weeks of the course end date. This is the only step you have to do yourself. You can include both public and internal reflections in the analysis. You can publish the public course analysis in the course room in Canvas within 7 weeks from the course end date.

Course analysis template

How to fill in course analysis

Full process and timeline for course survey and course analysis

Here you can see the full process and timeline for course survey and course analysis.

1. Course survey is created and e-mail is sent to course coordinator

The course survey is automatically created for each course offering, according to a standardised survey template. The survey is created 5 weeks before the survey's preset publication for students; see next step. At this point, the survey is only visible to the course coordinator and is not published for students until later.

An e-mail is sent to the course coordinator to inform them that the survey is available. You can now adjust the survey; see next step.

Course analysis template

2. Opportunity to adjust course survey

Before publishing, the course coordinator can adjust the survey by adding questions, choosing to moderate free text answers (see step 6), adding more authorised persons or adjusting the start date.

The course survey start date, and publication for students, is preset to the Monday after the course end date. The start date can be adjusted to publish the survey up to 35 days earlier or up to 7 days later.

Students always have 11 days to respond to the survey. If the start date is changed, the end date is automatically set to 11 days after the new start date.

Adjust course survey via Canvas

3. Course survey is published

The course survey is published in the course room in Canvas and is now visible to students who are registered for the course offering. If the start date of the survey has not been adjusted, the course survey is published on the Monday after the course end date.

4. Course survey is answered

Students have 11 days to respond to the survey from the survey's publication date. Reminders are also sent to students.

5. Course survey closes

The course survey closes after 11 days and can no longer be answered.

6. Free text responses are moderated

To deal with inappropriate comments, the course coordinator can choose to have free text answers submitted in the course survey moderated before they are published for teachers. The moderation is done by person(s) selected at each school.

The system support and process for moderation of free text responses is a work in progress.

7. Reports are created

Two different reports based on the course survey and course data are created, see below. Data and examination results from the course are automatically generated and visible in the reports. In the course analysis template  you can see which data is included. Please note that the reports are only visible to teachers in this stage.

  • Part 1: With free text answers. This report is only visible to the course coordinator and any other authorised users added, such as the head of department or Programme Director. The report with free text answers is never published publicly.
  • Part 2: Without free text answers. This report is included in the course analysis that is later published in the course room in Canvas.

Note that reports are only created if at least three students have answered the survey to ensure that the survey maintains anonymity.

8. Course analysis is written

The course coordinator writes their course analysis within 7 weeks (49 days) from the course end date.

In the course analysis, it is possible to write both public and internal reflections. Internal reflections are only visible to the course coordinator and other authorised persons involved in the development of the course, such as the Programme Director or head of department. You can save a draft course analysis before publishing it.

Course analysis template

9. Course analysis is published

The course analysis is automatically published in the course room in Canvas 7 weeks (49 days) after the course end date.

If you have finished the course analysis before 7 weeks, it can be published earlier. If there is no published course analysis, only results from the course survey and course data are published.

If you have started writing a course analysis and saved a draft, your draft will be published automatically after 7 weeks.

In the course analysis template  you can see which parts are published in Canvas. On the course page under About course , course data and what is filled in under the last heading from the course analysis, ‘changes introduced for the next course offering’, are published. It is available to everyone, both internal and external, who visits the course page.

10. Action plan is created if needed

The action plan is a more in-depth version of the course analysis that is created if the course needs certain development. When working on the action plan, you have more time and space to carry out relevant course development.

Action plan for courses


Survey owner: The person responsible for the course survey. By default, the survey owner is the course coordinator. It is possible to change or add more people responsible for the survey.

Course evaluation: The evaluation students make of the course, for example by answering the course survey. 

Report: Two reports are created after the course survey closes for responses, one with free text answers and one without. The reports are the basis for the course analysis. If no course analysis is done, the results of the course survey without free text answers are published.

Course analysis: Analysis made by the course coordinator based on the results of the course evaluation. Insights from, for example, course evaluation board meetings and other contacts with students during the course can also be included in the analysis.

Course data: Statistical information about the course and the course offering, such as the number of credits of the course, the number of registered students and responsible teachers.

Course evaluation board: Each course should have a course evaluation board made up of students taking the course who meet with the teacher and can express the views of the course participants.

Do you have any questions?

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If you have any questions about course surveys, course analyses or KTH's quality work in general, contact

Course evaluation via LEQ and manual upload of course analyses on About course is not used from study period 3, VT25

Course evaluations cannot be done via the Learning Environment Questionnaire (LEQ) as of study period 3, spring semester 2025. LEQ is replaced by the new system, which is integrated and automated in Canvas and About course, for all courses from study period 3.

As surveys and analyses are automated, you do not need to upload your course analysis manually via About course  from reading period 3.

Here you can read about the project to develop the new system: Project: New IT system support for course evaluation and analysis

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Last changed: Feb 04, 2025