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Innovating Pedagogy 2021 är just publicerad

Innovating pedagogy bok omslag
Publicerad 2021-01-08

Ladda ner den här  (på engleska)

Lite av innehållet

  • Current themes

    • Best learning moments
    • Enriched realities
    • Gratitude as a pedagogy
    • Using chatbots in learning
    • Equity-oriented pedagogy
    • Hip-hop based education
    • Student co-created teaching and learning
    • Telecollaboration for language learning
    • Evidence-based teaching
    • Corpus-based pedagogy
    • Themes from previous reports
    • Methods that work

Suggested citation:
Kukulska-Hulme, A., Bossu, C., Coughlan, T., Ferguson, R., FitzGerald, E., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Rienties, B., Sargent, J., Scanlon, E., Tang, J., Wang, Q., Whitelock, D., Zhang, S. (2021). Innovating Pedagogy 2021: Open University Innovation Report 9. Milton Keynes: The Open University.