Move from shared mailbox into Edge
Many departments choose to stop using a shared mailbox that is managed in Outlook and instead manage incoming e-mail as cases in Edge.
When you decide to stop using a shared mailbox that you have in Outlook and instead work with incoming e-mail as cases in Edge, there are a few things to think about during the transition.
- After the time of the transition, all incoming e-mail will go to Edge instead of to the shared mailbox you have in your Outlook.
Normally, e-mail from external addresses first starts arriving in Edge, and later during the day e-mail from internal addresses will also be routed over. - During the first hours, you need to keep an eye out both in Edge and in the shared mailbox for new e-mails.
- Replies to e-mails previously sent from the shared mailbox will end up in Edge as new cases.
- The shared mailbox will be closed and deleted. It is often ordered that an archive copy of the shared mailbox be saved as a file in a specific folder on the file server, so that if necessary you can open this file and read/search for information among old e-mails.
However, you should avoid working with the file open when you don't need it, as Microsoft warns that the file can break if it is always open.
You should also not reply to e-mails from this archive copy. All conversation should be done via Edge after the transition. - You cannot/should not send e-mail from the shared mailbox after the transition. All e-mailing must be done via Edge.