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Following the students through the course

You can follow the students’ implementation in the course in several ways. Here you will find a summary of the functions that you can use for course follow-up. We have divided the functions in three different areas: Monitoring learning progress, interact with students, and overview of the course.

Are you looking for tools for course evaluation?

Learning experience questionnaire (LEQ) is KTH’s tool for course evaluation and development. You can easily create the questionnaire from one of three templates.  

Read more about Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ)

A new, more automated tool is being introduced to strengthen and facilitate course evaluation and course analysis. LEQ will be phased out as the new system is introduced. 

Read more about the Course evaluation and course development

Monitoring learning progress 

This section focuses on the tools that help you follow and monitor how students are learning during the course. Here you will find functions that help you define and follow up intended learning outcomes, as well as functions that allow for adapted learning paths for the students.

Learning Outcomes

The Outcomes function in Canvas helps you to follow the students' development through a course. You can use the feature to add learning objectives and goal-related grading criteria and then link them to tasks and quizzes in Canvas. It is possible to use the function in both a formative and a summative way, but regardless of choice, it gives you and your students an overview of how the learning outcomes in the course goes.

Read more about The Outcomes function in Canvas .


In Canvas, the function MasteryPaths allows you as a teacher to customize learning experiences for students according to different "paths" through the course material you have created in advance. The paths can be selected automatically based on the students' points on specific tasks. This gives students good opportunities to show and achieve learning in a course based on their own choices and level of knowledge.

Read more about MasteryPaths ( .

Interact with students 

Here the tools that contribute to engagement and collaboration between teachers and students are presented. Read more under the headlines below about how you can create discussions and collect feedback using digital tools such as Mentimeter and Möbius for a more interactive learning experience. 


In Canvas, Discussions is the place where everyone in a course room, both students and teachers, can meet and discuss in an open forum. Here you can see everything that everyone writes. An active discussion forum linked to the course content can give you as a teacher an insight into the students' reasoning and analysis throughout the course. 

Read more about Discussions in Canvas .

Tip: Activate students with questions

Here you will find tips for creating quizzes and polls that activate students and make them co-creators of their knowledge, with any and all tools.

Activate students with questions


Mentimeter is a web-based presentation tool and digital system for interactive surveys in real-time. Students can vote on various alternatives or enter their answers via an automatically generated code or link. Mentimeter's are therefore well suited for evaluations and to collect feedback on an ongoing basis. Keep in mind that students' answers are anonymous.

Read more about Mentimeter .


Möbius is an external tool to create student-related material in different formats and for various purposes, such as assignments, quizzes, slide shows and information pages. You can make exercises and/or assignments for exam purposes. To some extent, Möbius tracks the students' progress when they work with the produced material.

Read more about Möbius .

Overview of the course  

Here you can find the tools that give you an insight into the students’ performance and progress in the course. These functions can give you a deeper understanding of the students’ participation.

New Analytics

New Analytics is a function in Canvas that offers you an improved analysis of what the students have done in the course and gives you an insight into which parts the students have performed better and worse in. The function helps you as a teacher see which course elements have been particularly challenging for the students. It is also possible to compare an individual student's participation and assessment with the class average. 

The function can thus be helpful by, for example, analyzing which students need more support, and in this way help the teacher to improve student performance. 

Read more about New Analytics ( .


In Canvas navigation menu option "Grades", you find the Gradebook, where the teacher and students get a visual overview of all assessments.

Read more about The Gradebook in Canvas .

Set requirements for content in Modules 

With the functions "Requirements" and "Prerequisites", you can set requirements for content in modules in Canvas and make the modules dependent on each other. You can set different requirements for different content and set the order in the module. A student must have met the requirements in a specific module for it to be possible to start the next one. 

Read more about Modules in Canvas .

Student Interaction Report

The student interaction report gives you as a teacher a summarized version of the interaction between you and students who are enrolled in your course. The report gives you specific information about how students interact with your course room, both individually and as a group. The report shows, among other things, interaction with the students, current grades and whether there are any submitted but not corrected assignments for students.

Read more about Student Interactions in Canvas ( .

Read more about Student Interactions for Individual Students ( .