Recommendations and good examples of course design in Canvas
This is a compilation of KTH’s recommendations for how to use and design your Canvas course room to get the best results. The recommendation will help you ensure quality and a good student experience while supporting student learning. You will also find good examples of course rooms, created by teachers at KTH.
Have a colleague test the clarity of your course room structure
To ensure you are as clear as possible, ask a colleague to look through your Canvas course room. It should be clear where to find:
- Assignments and other course materials
- Course information
- Contact information
- Other things you will share in the course room.
Remember to also check how your course room looks in Canvas on your phone, since many students use the Canvas phone app to follow the course.
A sandbox is an empty Canvas room where you as a teacher can try out different things and functions in Canvas without it affecting any students. The sandbox is your individual room and is useful for developing your course, as you easily can move the completed work to another room in Canvas.
Working with course rooms in Canvas
Strengthen your use of course rooms in Canvas and promote student learning with these practical tips and recommendations. For example, how to create closeness in the digital classroom, communicate with students without using email lists, take advantage of the co-authoring features in OneDrive, and track student progression through the course.
Checklists for course design in canvas
To make it easier for you we have created checklists that integrate the E-learning recommendations for course design in Canvas.
KTH's templates for Canvas rooms
To make it easier for students to navigate in Canvas rooms and to help teachers to more quickly arrange a structure in the rooms in Canvas, Canvas rooms are prepared with different templates. On these pages, you can read more about KTH's different templates and how to access them.
Register attendance in Canvas
When a course has an examination that includes mandatory attendance, it makes the grade reporting easier if you get the attendance registration as a column in the Gradebook in Canvas. Different ways suit different sizes of courses. For smaller courses, attendance can be registered by the teacher in different ways, but for larger courses, it is better if students register their attendance themselves through a quiz.
Course and examination rooms to be inspired by
Do you need inspiration for your work with Canvas? We have listed four course rooms and three examination rooms created by KTH teachers that are exceptionally well designed. You can also search through all the open course rooms at KTH for inspiration.