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Recruitment Committe ABE (School of Architecture and the Built Environment)

The Recruiting Committee is responsible for preparing and submitting proposals for the following positions: Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.

Students have the right to be represented in each academic recruiting committee.


Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Professor


Nicole Kringos, Professor


Anders Bergström, Associate Professor
Karin Bradley, Professor
John Cantwell, Professor
Vania Ceccato, Professor
Vladimir Cvetkovic, Professor
Helena Mattsson, Professor
Jenny Paulsson, Associate Professor
Johan Silfwerbrand, Professor
Mats Wilhelmsson, Professor

HR officer and Secretary

Link to Contact information HR-officers at the school and academic positions  (in Swedish)

Term of office

2020-01-01 -- 2024-12-31