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Newsmail #49, 2023-02-08

Dear all,

The change of KTH Rector is creating more and more dynamics in the organization. I want to point to three recent things. All info is found on the KTH internal web.

  1. Last week, new principles were published for the KTH management. The aim is to make sure that decisions are made as close to the operations as possible. This will lead to more responsibility for us, more opportunities to make decisions that affect our activities. Also, the previous rector managed via six vice-rectors, who were not so connected with the line organization. Now, the six vice-rectors will be reduced to two (research and globalization). The management group on KTH level now includes the heads of the five schools instead, which gives us more direct contact with the KTH mgmt. since we are in direct contact with the head of the school. We have for a number of years struggled a bit with how to handle information, directives, requirements that are communicated in various channels, from vice-rectors down to various teaching groups. It has not been clear who is responsible for deciding if and how we can do a certain exam for example. I honestly believe that this will change now, to a more simplified system, with clearer roles, and mandate for people to make decisions in areas where they know best.
  1. Today, a decision regarding the relations between the line organization and the faculty has been published. A few years ago, I wrote a lot about the importance of being engaged in faculty organizations. In line with the above, decisions that require specific subject-competence are to be made by people who have this competence. We need mechanisms to ensure that we have quality in what we do as a University. I think that one piece has been missing in the system, the formalization of the relations between the faculty and the line organization. It’s clear (to me at least) what the responsibility of the line management is, but it’s not clear what the responsibility of the faculty and the elected officials are. With the new plan, I assume that this will be clearer, and that it will be possible for the department to utilize the faculty organization for strategic development of our activities more efficiently.
  1. Lastly, a decision regarding the overhaul of our finances has also been published today. This decision is a consequence of the drastically increased costs for rent and energy, the inflation and sudden decrease in funds for teaching. This decision directs us to suggest a plan, before March 31, on how the costs for rent etc can be decreased by about 25%, it directs the schools to investigate if enrollment can be increased already this year to increase the number of students considerably, and, to cut costs for the central administration in the area of 50 MSEK, in total 5% of admin costs.

I encourage all to read the articles on KTH Intranät | KTH Intranät, for me, the above is really good news.

