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Newsmail #57, 2023-04-27

Dear all,

Today I want to put the spotlight on the upcoming “Storträff” (meet-up for teachers), May 26, 12.30-16.30. At this meetup, hundreds of KTH teachers attend workshops to discuss pedagogical development. When I look at the agenda, I see that many of the current challenges we meet at MMK are discussed, debated, evaluated.

I see that there is a workshop arranged by the KTH Legal team on plagiarism, “how to report suspicions on disciplinary issues”. I see a workshop with a demo on the new scheduling tool. I see workshops on integrating HU and JML into education. I see several workshops on how to utilize AI (chatGPT for example) in education. I see a workshop on how to setup the overall requirements for the development of our support organization.

I think it’s very important that our teaching community at MMK are involved in these discussions. We often complain about the scheduling tools. We are confused on how to work together with the legal team, we discuss sustainable development and AI. So – this is the opportunity when the people responsible for these activities on KTH level come to the faculty to jointly develop these issues. KTH will issue guidelines regarding use if chatGPT based on these discussions. The new scheduling system will be developed based on the input from the faculty. This is the opportunity when we can make a change regarding the support systems.

At follow-up faculty meetings at MMK, I will ask MMK faculty to report on the discussions held in these groups so that we as a faculty can benefit from each other’s efforts. I know that there is a big interest from many to attend these discussions. This time, when you attend, please take into account that you can represent us and bring back your findings to MMK afterwards.

With that said, I cannot resist to mention that I have been invited to two workshops with the focus on making requirements for the travel ordering system and the travel report system. Everything from submitting a travel order, booking tickets, interacting with the travel agency to reporting the travel costs – a new system will replace the current. I cannot join these two workshops due to other responsibilities – if anyone can attend the workshop instead of me and put forward our struggles with the current system, make requirements on a new system, please let me know. It’s planned for May 4, May 8 and or May 11. Please let me know if you are interested.

Here’s the link for the storträff: Registration and voting open for the spring term Storträffen Meet up. | KTH Intranet

