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Newsmail #67, 2023-09-01

Dear all,

Yet another week. Today, the annual salary revision process started. If the timeline is kept, the new salaries will be paid on Dec 22. With the current global situation, it’s difficult to predict the expected increases we await this year. Being part of a government organization, I however don’t expect the raises to be in the same level as the current inflation. But, we’ll see.

This week we’ve been looking at the financial numbers on school level for the first half of the year. The numbers are more positive than we expected, a good sign that we are moving in the right direction; the student population is increasing (more funding) and the cost for premises etc is decreasing (we leave office spaces). Having a balanced budget enables us to make strategic decisions, and, at MMK we now proceed to establish the new area “Dynamic Complex Systems” with three new associate professorships opening up next year.

This semester I’m taking a 4,5 credit course in Gender Theory and Gender Equality in Technical Higher Education (LH225V). Seven full-day seminars. I meet and discuss with colleagues from all over KTH, with different roles and responsibilities. My impression is that, with some subjects, it really takes time and discussions to internalize the knowledge. The discussions cannot be rushed, but after a day, a lot of things sink in. I’ll let you know in December if I pass the course or not.

Today I’ve spent the entire day with the school mgmt. group to discuss, plan and prepare the upcoming changes related to the changes of our organization.

Earlier this week we saw the kick-off for the new MSc students. Very inspiring activity, well organized, enthusiastic students, a nice MMK-welcome.

Now I wish everyone a nice weekend.

