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The Grades function in Canvas

In "Grades", you are presented with an overview of the grades in the course, called the Gradebook. Both teachers and students can see the Gradebook but they have different views. Here you will find further links to more information about how you can work with grading.

The Gradebook in Canvas

The Gradebook provides teachers and students with a visual overview of assignments and grades. Teachers can also edit grades directly in the overview or proceed to SpeedGrader.

The Gradebook in Canvas

SpeedGrader in Canvas

Scanned exams to Canvas

Do you want to use a campus-based proctored exam but not have to deal with the large piles of paper afterwards and do the assessment work in Canvas SpeedGrader? In the examination room for the exam, you can easily choose to import the students' written exams as assignments in a Canvas Assignment with the help of the function KTH Import Exams. You can control the settings for the Assignment in Canvas and then effectively assess the exams as regular digital submissions.

Scanned exams to Canvas

With SpeedGrader you can grade students' submitted assignments and quizzes. Here it is explained how to find SpeedGrader and how to work in SpeedGrader, both for quizzes and uploaded or scanned documents. You can also read about how to give partial points and how to reassign an assignment.

SpeedGrader in Canvas

Post grades and quiz results

We recommend that students receive their grades when the grading process is complete for an assignment or quiz and that all students receive their grades at the same time. For assignments, this means that you manually post grades, and for quizzes, you also have to restrict the student result view.

Posting grades and quiz results

How to assess anonymously in Canvas

KTH recommends anonymous assessment when possible and appropriate, in order to give students an equivalent and legally secure assessment. In Canvas, there are two simple methods for assessing both assignments and quizzes anonymously. This page explains how to set up anonymous assessment, how to carry out the assessment and how to de-anonymise assignments.

How to assess anonymously in Canvas

Letter grades and grading schemes

To assess an assignment in Canvas with the usual grading scales at KTH, you need to use letter grades. This facilitates the transfer of grades to Ladok. Letter grades require management of grading schemes. It is possible to use preset grading schemes and/or create your own, as well as set one for the entire course.

Letter grades and grading schemes

Three methods of weighing results

You can use three different methods in Canvas to combine a grade from several assignments. You can use outcomes, export and work in an external program or use assignment groups. These methods are described on this page.

Three methods of weighing results

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 28, 2024