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Register meal benefits

Here you find instructions how to register meal benefits as employee in KTH-HR.

Photos in English

The photos explaining the different steps will be updated in English where it´s applicable. However, many steps will be shown in Swedish as it reflects the view in KTH-HR.

Make sure that you have checked the routine for meal benefits before you register this in KTH-HR. 

Register meal benefits step by step 

1. Start by clicking on the "Employee" (Medarbetare) tab at the top of the page.

2. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on "My Working Hours" (Min arbetstid).

Step 1, click the Employee tab.

3. Click on the "Payroll Reporting" (Löneartsrapportering) tab.

Shows step to click on Payroll Reporting tab.

4. Click on "Add" (Lägg till) with the plus sign (+) located in the Payroll Reporting (Löneartsrapportering) tab.

Click on 'Add'

5. Click on "Payroll Item" (Löneart). A dropdown menu will appear. Choose the meal benefit that you have received, for example breakfast (frukost).

Shows a drop down list with types of meal benefits.

7. In the "Quantity" (Antal) field, enter the number 1.

8. In the comment field (Kommentar), specify the context in which you received the meal benefit.

9. Click "Save" (Spara).

Shows quantity, comment and context for meal benefit and save.

10. Under the "Payroll Reporting" (Löneartsrapportering) tab you will now see the meal benefit that you have registered.

Shows Payroll Reporting tab and the type of meal benefit registered.
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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Nov 13, 2024
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