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Report sick leave

Here are instructions for how employees register sick leave and return to work in KTH-HR.

Photos in English

The photos explaining the different steps will be updated in English where it´s applicable. However, many steps will be shown in Swedish as it reflects the view in KTH-HR.

Make sure that you have checked the routine for in case of illness  before you report your sickness in KTH-HR.

If you have questions about sick reporting, you can contact your HR representative at your school or at the operational support.

If you estimate that your sick leave will be less than eight calendar days, it is better to register your sick leave upon returning to work.

Report sick leave step by step

1. Start by clicking the "Employee" (Medarbetare) tab at the top of the page and select "My Working Hours" (Min arbetstid).

Step 1, shows employee tab and my working hours.

2. The calendar will open.

3. Select the "Absence" (Frånvaro) tab and click on "Add" (Lägg till).

Shows the absence tab and add symbol.

4. A new window will open. Select: "Illness/Sick Leave" from the dropdown list for your absence reason (Frånvaroorsak). Enter the start date for your sick leave.

If you already know the expected return date at the time of registration, you can enter it right away. Otherwise, check the option "Valid until further notice" (Gäller tillsvidare). Then click "Save" (Spara) and follow the steps below to complete the registration.

Select start date for absence and reason for absence, and click save.

5. Your sick leave is now registered in KTH-HR.

Return to work step by step

1. When returning to work, go to the "Employee" (Medarbetare) tab and click on "Working Hours" (Arbetstid). Then click on the "Absence" (Frånvaro) tab to retrieve your registered absence.

2. In the "Absence" field, fill in the end date. If you are sick for less than 7 calendar days, the case will be sent directly to payroll.

If you are sick for more than 7 calendar days , you need to provide a medical certificate. The case you enter into the system should be managed according to the period stated in the medical certificate.

3. Double-click on the absence row or select it and click on "Edit" (Ändra).

Double-click on the absence row or select it and click on "Edit" (Ändra).

4. Uncheck the box for "Valid until further notice" (Gäller tillsvidare) and enter the end date for the sick period. Then click "Save" (Spara).

Shows unchck Valid until further notice and click save.

5. Your return to work has now been registered in KTH-HR.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 17, 2025
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Absences and leave requests
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Parental leave
Sick leave
Care of children (vab)
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