Register parental leave
Here you find instructions how to register parental leave as employee in KTH-HR.
Make sure that you have checked the routine for parental allowance supplement before you regsiter this in KTH-HR.
To register parental leave you first need to register personal information before you add your childs details.
Register parental leave step by step
1. Start by clicking on "My Working Hours" (Min arbetstid).

2. When you have clicked on "My Working Hours," you will be taken to an overview where you can see your calendar with your schedule. There, you will find the "Leave Application" (Ledighetsansökan) tab. Click on that tab.

3. Press the "Add" (Lägg till) button.

4. After clicking the "Add," button, a box will appear where you enter the reason for absence (Frånvaroorsak), in this case "Parental leave" (Föräldraledighet). You also have to add the start and end date of your leave, and the child’s date of birth. If you want to include a comment, you can do so.
5. Once you have filled in the information, click on "Save" (Spara).

6. Your leave application will now be displayed. There you can see your status as "Applied" (Ansökt).