Register personal information
Here you can find instructions on how to register your personal information such as contact details, emergency contacts and children's birth dates in KTH-HR.
Register personal information step by step
Follow the steps explained here to add your personal information.
Add your contact details
1. Start by clicking on "Employment" (Anställning) at the top of the menu.

2. Click on "My Employment" (Min anställning).

3. Then click on the "+" (plus sign).

4. Then click on "Contact Information" (Kontaktuppgifter).

5. Fill in your contact details. Then click "Save" (Spara) and "Complete" (Slutför) before proceeding.

Add relatives/next of kin
Follow the steps explained here to add a relative/next of kin, such as a child. Here is an example of how to add your child's name and birth date. The same steps apply to other family members or close relatives that you wish to add.
1. Click on the "Relatives" (Anhöriga) tab.
2. Click on the "New row" (Ny rad).

3. Enter your child's "Name" (Namn)
4. In the drop down list for type of relation, select "Child (parental leave)" (Barn (föräldralediget)).
5. Enter your child's date of birth, then click "Save" (Spara) and "Complete" (Slutför).