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Promotion to Associate Professor

The internal school process for promotion to Associate Professor is described step by step below.

Mid-term Evaluation

  1. No later than six months before half the employment term as assistant professor has passed, a mid-term evaluation is to be conducted according to point 1.3. in the Appointments Procedure for Teachers . The written self-evaluation must contain a planned date for the application for promotion and is submitted to The Future Faculty-responsible. The planned date of the application for promotion shall take into account KTH’s three application periods. 
  2. The Future Faculty-responsible interviews the applicant and returns with a statement on the completed mid-term evaluation.
  3. The HR Unit notifies all concerned parties about the completed mid-term evaluation.


  1. The person applying for a promotion shall have ongoing discussion regarding this during performance appraisals with their division head. Information concerning assessment criteria for promotion can be found in KTH’s Appointments Procedure and related Instructions for Appointments Procedure for Teachers . One should follow up on the career plan and agreed job description that were established at the initial appointment. Information regarding promotion is also available on KTH’s promotion page for applicants .
  2. The Head of Division consults with The Future Faculty-responsible in order to assess whether the conditions exist for the school to support the promotion prior to the planned date for the promotion application according to the mid-term evaluation.
  3. If the school supports the matter, The Future Faculty-responsible informs the HR Unit of this, which then initiates a case.

Statement and proposal for experts

The statement and the proposal for experts are prepared in parallel with the candidate writing their application in accordance with item 3 below.

  1. The Head of Division submits a draft statement according to the template here, as well as a proposal for four experts (equal gender distribution) to The Future Faculty-responsible. More information about the requirements for experts and on the content of the statement is available under the School's tasks for teacher promotions.

    Template, statement from The School regarding application for promotion to Associate Professor (docx 61 kB)
  2. Following preparation, The Future Faculty-responsible signs the statement.
  3. The Future Faculty-responsible selects two experts from the four proposed and notifies HR.
  4. HR contacts the two experts to investigate whether they are available for the assignment and to gather documentation on which to base decisions (conflict of interest, CV, publication list).
  5. After the HR Unit has gathered documentation from selected experts, The Future Faculty-responsible decides on a proposal for experts.
  6. The HR Unit uploads the signed statement in the recruitment system and the signed proposal for experts.  

Application and uploading in the system

The candidate writes their application in parallel with the preparation of the statement and the proposal for experts as per point 2 above. 

  1. The HR Unit sends an application link along with a link to KTH’s promotion page for applicants . This will happen as soon as The Future Faculty-responsible has given notice to initiate the process. 
  2. When the candidate has uploaded their application, the HR Unit uploads the statement and the proposal for experts in the recruitment system. HR hands over the matter to the University Administration for further processing in accordance with . 


  1. The promotion board submits a statement for a decision to the Head of School.
  2. After discussion with the candidate, The Head of Department submits a proposal for an agreement on the job description to The Future Faculty-responsible.
  3. FFA approves the agreement and sends it to the Head of School.
  4. The Head of School decides on promotion to Associate Professor.