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Borglund, D., Ulf Carlsson, Mamo Colarieti-Tosti, Simon Edström, Hans Havtun, Niclas Hjelm, Ida Naimi-Akbar, 2017, Collaborative course analysis and development at KTH - What's the next step and who needs to do what to make it happen? KTH SoTL, March 17, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

Borglund, D., Carlsson, U., Colarieti Tosti, M., Edström, S., Havtun, H., Henriksson, A.-S., Hjelm, N., Naimi-Akbar, I., 2017, Collaborative Course Evaluation and Development at KTH - Progress, Lessons Learned and Way Forward. Paper 68, 6th USIU Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 22-23. Collaborative Course Evaluation an Development at KTH (pdf 438 kB)

Naimi-Akbar, I., Havtun, H., Nyberg, S., 2018, Systematic course analysis – how infrastructure and research findings collaborate to support course development, Paper No 1570433377 to the 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San José, USA, October 3-6, 2018. Systematic course analysis how infrastructure and findings collaborate (pdf 222 kB)

Havtun, H., Naimi-Akbar, I., Nyberg, S., Hjelm, N., 2018, Implementation of a course evaluation system – Facilitating faculty and student contributions, Paper E.11.2, ISSoTL 2018, Bergen, Norway, October 24-27.

Havtun, H., Hjelm, N., 2019, An investigation of what students that did not fill in the course questionnaire think of the course, KTH SoTL March 28-29, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden. 2019.

Hjelm, N., Havtun, H., 2019, En undersökning av vad de studenter som inte fyller i kursenkäter tycker om kursen. 7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsut­bildningar, Luleå, 27-28 November. En undersökning av vad de studenter som inte fyller i kursenkäten tycker om kursen (pdf 770 kB)